Chapter 22

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~Lucy Wriston~

My dad wasn't happy about finding out about him going into protection for the time being.

I told him that he has to be safe because those crazy bitches are after him and Jada.

I had to explain to him what they are into trading babies for money.

He wasn't too happy about that either. He felt sick that he was in a relationship with both women at one point.

So now the house is under strict protection but we made it look like that my dad is having something on in the house and that some of them look like they are from his job.

Alex and I are doing some at the hardware store for some stuff. I'm having the people at my house to make it look like they are working to build.

I'm having them build a mini mansion for the baby. We get to find out what the gender of the baby is when I get back home.

We get everything we need to leave but Alex wouldn't let me pay for the stuff so I walked out the store cursing not so nice words.

We finally get home after I told him off about that I came to this store to buy stuff with my money.

I got in the house to see my dad talking to one of the guards and Jada in the kitchen doing some cooking it seems.

"You need some help there?" I ask her. She looks up at me to see that I'm there. "Um yeah can you make the homemade pizza please?" She asks my with puppy eyes. "Fine I will." I say to her as I walk over to the island in the kitchen to make pizza.

we finish cooking to see its dinner time. I go and set the table while Jada goes and gets everyone for dinner even the guards since we thought it would be nice of us to have them to come to dinner even though they already switched their shifts they maybe hungry.

"The guards that just got here already had dinner so they told me that they are just gonna stay in the living until we are done." Jada says rubbing her belly. I walk over to her to put my hand on her belly when I do I feel a kick. I look up at her surprised that the baby just moved. "The baby kicked my hand." I said to her.

"The same thing happened to John when he had his ear against my belly last night." She says laughing. "That wasn't funny it hurt when the baby kicked me." John says coming into the room rubbing his ear like it still hurt.

"Yes that is kinda funny. Now stop being a big baby and help us put the food on the table." I say pointing my finger at him since I've already bought some stuff out.

We all sit at the table when everyone get to their seats.

"We John and I have some new from the doctor today.." Jada says pausing to see if she has everyone's attention. "We are having a little boy and I'm gonna be due soon too as what the doctor says." Jada says taking a deep breath. "Finally a little boy is gonna be running this house it's been a while since a baby was around." My father says smiling.

"This is great now we know what to do for the baby's room." I said smiling. "I get to art the baby's room then" I tell her since I have some good idea for the room.

"Great I was gonna ask you if you wanted to but I wasn't really sure so I waited a little but it's really good to know that you want to do the room." She says eating some more.

"Oh an Lucy had the idea of building a club house for him to play in when he gets bigger." Alex says with a smirk. I narrowed my eyes a him. The fucker wasn't supposed to tell her. So I kick him in the leg since he is sitting across from me.

"Oo that's a great idea too. Your so amazing I'm so glad to have a best friend who is like a real sister to me." She says tearing up little. "Well duh what are sisters for." I said smiling at her.

"So Lucy when are you having kids because I want more grandchildren." My father's says to me. I look at him with wide eyes to see my dad is serious about what he said.

"Um I'm not sure maybe after I get married dad." I said getting uncomfortable about the topic of me having kids soon. "It's just I like working at my job and I don't want to have kids soon but I will when I'm ready I promise dad." I say looking at him with a smile.

"Alright good enough then" He says continuing to eat his food.

"Mr. Wriston I would like to ask you something?" Alex says to my father.

"And what would that be Alex?" My father says to him. I look between the two of them. What is he doing is he trying to get himself killed or something.

"I would like to have your permission to take Lucy on a date if your okay with it?" He asks my dad I look him to see is he is little nervous.

"Sure but you better bring her home safe because she's not the only one you have to worry about beating your ass mister." My dad said in a serious tono pointing his fork at him across the table.

Ugh now I have to go out of my way to find a outfit to wear. "Wear something warm we are going out to dinner with a surprise." He says to him. I grumble a yes to him as I stable my food.

I look up top see Jada giving me a thumbs up. I'm gonna have a talk with her. I'm guessing she's the one who gave him the freaking idea. I do a mental groan in a head thinking it's gonna be a long night.

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