Chapter 23

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~Lucy Wriston~

I'm getting ready for my date with Alex since my dad and Jada won't let me stay home an say I'm sick.

But no I have to go it's like my dad thinks I'm gonna be alone forever.

I'll eventually start are family maybe adopte a child or two. Also have some of my own but still I can find a guy I don't scare to date me.

"Hello are you even listening to me?" Jada says angrily with crossed arms.

"Um yeah I was just thinking of what I should wear" I say forcing a smile.

"Okay good then I was thinking about wearing your pants that are like yoga pants and jeans looking ones to wear since they keep you warm for most of the winter with the cute white sweater I get you then curl your hair a little." She says moving her hands for me to go shower to get ready.

*Two Hours Later*

It's been two hours and I already regret having Jada help me. I love her to bits it's just she takes forever to get ready for something.

She made me get ready earlier then I needed too. I had time to relax to watch my show Teen Wolf but no she came bragging into my room saying 'get your ass up Lucy because we are gonna get you ready for your date tonight' since she's pregnant I don't really want to upset her.

But I'm just glad that I'm getting ready to leave I just need my coat, phone, and house keys.

I get everything to here a knock on the door. I look at the time on my phone to see he is a half hour early.

I open to see the one person I hate the most my ex Cj. The smile on my face turned to a glare as soon as I seen him.

"Well hello there aren't you looking good." Cj says smirking with a little glitter in his eyes.

Before he tried anything I put my hand up. "I told you after we broke that I wanted nothing to do with you and that meant showing up at my house too. You need to leave now." I said to him trying my hardest not to punch his face.

"Awe come on I said I was sorry about it. I miss you and I want you back." He says pouting. "Awe you think I'm that stupid like that dumb bitch you cheated on me with more then that one time. You don't think I had you watched and trailed just thinking I'm some innocent girl who doesn't know a damn thing when I guy cheats on a girl." I explain to him as I pushed him into the yard to see Alex walking up to us.

"Who is that?" Cj asks looking pissed.

"Well since you asked I will tell you, this is my boyfriend Alex." I say walking over to him to feel him wrap his arm around my waist. I smirk at Cj.

Alex kisses my cheek to make him more mad. But what I don't get is that I kinda feel sparks when Alex touches me. Is that a good thing? I ask myself.

"It's whatever I don't need a bitch like you." He says walking off to his car.

"So when did I become your boyfriend?" Alex asks me. I just shrugged my shoulders at him before walking to his car.

"So who was that may I ask?" Alex finally says once he starts the car.

"It was my ex Cj." I said looking out the window I really didn't want to look at him.

"Oh okay I was going to ask you to be my girlfriend tonight but I'll wait." He says to me. Wait was he really going too? Why do I have the feeling of butterflies in my stomach? Does this really mean I have real feeling for him? I feel like so much of a girly girl now.

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