Chapter 8

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~ Five Days Later (Friday) ~

~ Lucy Wriston ~

I'm driving Jada to her appointment. Nothing happened during this week beside Alex texting me say that we can't do the project some more because something came up. Probably more likely went out with someone friends or had to take his brother out.

We are gonna see how far along she is, the ultrasound for the baby to see if everything is good and if that baby is healthy.

We pull into the doctor's office parking lot. We find a spot to park into. It's not too far of a walk but walking in good for the baby.

I have Jada sign herself in but only to see that front women to give her a funny look as she signs in for what she is here for. She hands Jada papers to fill out. I take them from her to see that we already filled this out and sent them about it 3 days before today.

"Excuse but she's already filled out this papers." I says with a smile trying to be sweet. "Well we don't have this papers on file so she'll have to fill them out again." She says gritting her teeth through that fake smile of her.

I had some people to find out who my dad has been dating. Turns out he is dating the doctor who works with baby's which is great because she is lives two houses down from her. She pretty with green eyes and long jet black hair. She's about a few inches taller then me.

"I want to see Ms. Stone now or you won't like what I do next plus you better go find those papers too." I says giving her my most evil look to give which freaks her out. I see her go to a room.

I soon see Ms. Stone coming over to me. "I want to make a complaint about this women here not doing her job and she lost her papers that i sent in 3 days before and that she keeps giving my friend funny looks which is very disrespectful." I say giving the women that gave Jada a funny look back. "I'll make sure everything is fix now coke this way so that I can check your friend." She says to both of us. I look at Jada to follow back to the last room.


The appointment was over we found out that she will have the baby two weeks after graduation. The baby is in good health. The ultrasound went good we got to see the baby. He or she is gonna be so loved and maybe a bit spoiled too. We got pictures of the ultrasound to show my dad.

We got grocery shopping before we go back home. My father texted me telling me to get food. It's a long list of food since we have Jada and the baby to feed too.

Grocery List:

• Kiwis
• Strawberries
Mac & Cheeses
Bagels & Cream cheese
Chicken Alfredo stuff
• Bacon
• Eggs
• coffee
• butter
• Cookie and Brownie mix

The list was really long so I have to check my phone ever so often to make sure I get everything.

Jada and I walk through the first section of the store to get the box products first. "Hey can you go grab the rice please?" I ask her as I grab the noodles for chicken Alfredo. I look up from the cart after I drop the box of noodles in it to get to Jada running over to me. "Hey what's wrong?" I ask her as I pull her into a hug. "I seen my mother on the phone talking about me saying that it was a good thing I was gone because I was the main cause of my parents getting a divorce and that she doesn't care what happens to me since I moved out and that she hope the baby dies too." She says trying to stop crying. I grab my purse to get a whip and tissue so that she can clean up. It looks like I'm gonna have a word with Ms. Knight.

"Get cleaned up and fast I'm gonna talk to your mother about how much of a bitch she is." I says cleaning her face and adding a little bit of makeup so that it doesn't show that she was crying.

We walk around the store to find her so called mother of hers. We find her in the last section of the store getting bread. "Hello Ms. Knight, how's your evening going?" I say smiling at her as I grab two bags of bread putting them in the cart. She looks up at me looking shocked to see me doing the grocery shopping or could be that the fact is to see that Jada isn't with me. "It's going good. How about you Lucy? I haven't seen you in awhile." She says as she puts bread in her basket.

"It's fine but have you seen Jada lately I'm getting worried that she hasn't been in school this week." I say making me good worried face to make her seem guilty. "I seen her yesterday when she came home to grab some of herself saying that she found a place to live." She says trying to make her lie seem true even to her. "Are you sure she would've called me if she was going over to your house." I say crossing my arms now looking at Ms. Knight. "What are you implying that I'm lying about what I said?" She says getting defensive.

"Yes that is what I am implying Ms. Knight." I say glaring at her. "Because I've been with her all week. You didn't once call and see where she was or if she and the baby is okay." I say raising my voice at her now. "I have tried to call her." She says getting more defensive about my words.

"That's bull I got her number changed on Tuesday about the shit you guys put her through. If I known that things at the house wasn't good and that y'all was being terrible parents." I say fully yelling at her this time. This is when Jada has to come over me because of the people staring at me. "Just stay the hell out of my life and your no mother to me and I will tell your grandchild that too." Jada says pulling me away from her mother to get the rest of our food that we came for.

"I'm sorry for reacting the way I did." I say to her as I grab the rest of the stuff from the list. It's full of everything we need now but I want some ice coffee from Dunkin' Donuts so that is what I'm gonna do. I think I'll get some donuts too for Jada. "It's fine Lucy I would've acted the same way if I was you." She says putting the bags of food in the cart. I pay for all the food which comes down to $206.57, I give the person the the money and grab what I need.

We get to the my car and put the rest of the groceries in it as Jada puts the cart away. We drove to Dunkin' Donuts before we drove home to find a my stupid Aunt Mary here again. To find out that she is staying for dinner and so is my dad's girlfriend.

Once we got already thing in the house and put away I started to make dinner. I get all that I need out to cook.


Dinner went well with my father's girlfriend being here and found out that my aunt had a date and only was coming to see how everything is going since she is leaving in a few days or something.

What was funny was that she was really happy to hear that she was going to be a great aunt. She welcomed Jada to the family and that she can call her aunt Mary too.

But my dad's girlfriend didn't seem to be happy that Jada was staying her and that she was pregnant. I told her that she can fuck off and leave if she can be a low life bitch. She apologies to Jada and I about how she acted and hoped that things were okay.

Bitch please that's what she thinks. I'm gonna call work tomorrow and get a background check on her to find out more about her. They didn't look far enough on her.

Guess I'll be doing some research on her more. I'll go into work tomorrow morning and crack some files open on her background. No one disrespects my family and friends at all. I'm not that sweet little nerd girl anymore.

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