Chapter 11

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~ Lucy Wriston ~

I still haven't heard anything from Kelly in a few days. Which worry me because she only takes about 12 to 24 hours to get me some files unless it big. So I may have to be patient about this.

School has been a pain but I'm getting done the work I missed in a free period I have now. I'm finishing math up now. I had 3 papers of that do to and English work too but it's all finished now. Jada is already done all her work that she missed. She finished it all yesterday in her free period.

I'm going to Alex's house today to finish some more of the art project. But I have to go home first to make sure Jada is eating and resting. I'm leaving now to go home after packing my books away and putting my missed work in my teachers mail box before I go. I need to get to my car before school lets out.

Sometimes I hear the girls around me gossip around me saying that they never seem me drive before because I'm here before everyone and leave before everyone. They think I'm poor since I don't drive while they'll be surprised soon enough what's about to happen.

I'm pull up to the house getting out the car to see my uncle is here again. I walk into the house to find a little boy about 9 or 10 in my living room watching tv. I shut the door behind as I walk into the kitchen to find Jada and my uncle talking and eating.
"Hey guys, who's kid is that?" I ask my uncle as I grab some orange juice.

"That's your cousin James." Jada says eating another cookie. "Yeah I'm sowwy that I brought him here. His mother had to go see her parents something happened and couldn't bring him so I picked him from the airport just about 30 minutes ago." He explains to me when James walks into the room. He looks just like his father so much.

"James this is your older cousin I've told you about growing up." My uncle tells James as he points to me smiling. James comes running over with open arms giving me a big up which I return back. "Hey buddy, it's nice to meet you after so long." I say as he let's go to see him nod his head.

"What I forgot to mention is that he has a disability. When we found out about it his mother freaked out that's another reason she gave him to me. She didn't want to work with a kid who need special help. I don't mind spending more time with him because he is the brightest kid you'll ever meet." My uncle explains to both me and Jada. Well that bitch doesn't deserve to be James mother anyway. "Well you don't need his mother anyway he has a great family here for him at all times." I tell my uncle as I'm about to walk up the stairs. He seems to understand that I'm right about what I said because I see him shake his head yes.

I grab some of my art stuff to take with my before going to Codys house. I shut my door before walking back down to the kitchen to find James eating some Chicken Alfredo with everyone else. "You guys didn't save me any." I say jokely to all of them but it seems James didn't get it because he pushes his bowl of paste towards me.

"I was only joking James plus eat as much as you want. We have enough food to feed an army around here." I say pulling him into a hug. "Thank you." I hear James say since I got home. I look up at my uncle to find him looking shocked for some reason. "James you can take your food with you in the living room and eat to watch TV." I tell him as I hand him his food to go watch TV. I turn to look at my uncle to see his is making a shocked fish face. "Um why do you have that look on your face?" I ask as I steel a bite of Jada's food.

"Because James hasn't said a word to me or anyone besides his friends in the past year so this the first that an adult got him to speak so easily that's why" My uncle explains to me as I eat more of Jada's food. "That's odd and why is that?" I ask my uncle being curious. "Well he spent the weekend with his mother one time and when I came to get him something changed in him. He use to be so happy and always playing but after what happened that weekend something happened. She told me nothing did but I think other why's. I've tried finding out what happened but he want talk to anyone besides his friends." My uncle says looking really upset stabbing his food.

"I'll find out and see what happened I promise and y'all can stay in a grest that has two beds but I really have to go now." I tell my uncle as I walk through the living to give James a bye kiss and telling him I'll be home in a few hours.

I get to my car and drive all the way to Alex's how to find another car in the drive way. I park the car and grabbing my stuff to take with me. I lock the car as I walk up to the house to find Alex brother running over to me. I catch him in my arms to find a man running out the door behind him looking really pissed off. I pick Dean into my arms walking over to the door. "At least someone can catch this little brat." The man say very angry as he tries to take him from me.

"I've got him sir." I say tickling Dean a little getting a giggle from him. He is so cute and adorable. "Who many you be lady?" The man says irritated towards me as he looks me up and down. What a freaking perv. Nasty ass person he is. "I'm Lucy and I'm hear to find a project for a class with Alex and spend time with Dean and Alex since he canceled the day we were supposed to do some more of the project." I explain to the man taking to explode on him as he eye raps me. I feel really nasty right now like to were I want to take a shower to clean myself. 

"Alex should be in his room right now and you can leave Dean with me before you go up and I'm Alex stepfather Thomas but I'm Deans father." He says looking more irritated and pissed then before. "Well it's nice to meet you sir. And I would like to take Dean with my because I have some stuff to give to him." I say walking into the house in front of Thomas. I feel something grab my ass and guess who's hand it is? It's Thomas hand that's shouldn't be there. "If you don't get your hand off my ass in the next second you won't have that hand anymore and that's a fucking promise." I say turning around pissed as I yank his Nast hand off me.

"Well if you fucking my stepson I want some action too if you know what I mean." He says getting really creepy now plus he doesn't even care that I still have Dean in my arms. I whisper to Dean to go get Alex and fast. I watch him run to Alex room. "Look fuck face I'm not one of those hoes he brings him and fucks and the next time you disrespects me in anyway you won't like the result it has." I say slapping him across the face hard to were you hear the sound of it through the house. I turn to leave to go up stairs when he grabs my arm really tight like that's gonna hurt me. I act along like it does.

"Stop that it hurts." I say acting like a whinny bitch. "Listen hear and good, no one treats me like that and gets away with it so why not we go up stairs to my room to teach you a lesson." He says getting really close to my face. I gag in my head wanting to throw up really bad. I look up to find Alex looking pissed and ready to kill until I wink at him to show that I've got this. He look at me with confusion. Until I grab his arm twisting behind him back as I push him into the door.

I find the nerve that makes you go numb all over were you get move to were he can do anything when I'm done but it'll take about 3 hours to be able to move fully. "Listen hear good, I'm not gonna put up with your shit next time you think about disrespecting a women remember what we are capable of doing when you piss them off you could easily lose something you cherish the most." I say to him before knowing him out as I pinch the nerve that make you sleep.
After I'm down I walk up to Alex room passing a shocked Alex and a very happy Dean.

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