Chapter 13

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~ Lucy Wriston ~

I'm at work right now for a meeting about something that is happening in my town so it looks like I'll be working and coming in ever so often to update about stuff and get information.

Someone is going around beating teen mom's up or kidnapping them. This seriously needs to stop and I'm going to stop it either way. I have to keep a even closer look on Jada now just in case. Maybe I could get her a job here but I would have to ask my boss about it first.

I text Jada saying 'Hey I'll be home soon. Take a shower and get ready we are going out shopping. Take a nap so that me can spend a little more time together.

P.S it's a surprise.' I end the text so that I could talk to my boss before she leaves the meeting room.

I walk up to her. "Boss I need to ask you something." I say stopping my boss from walking any faster to a halt. "I was wondering if my best friend Jada could get a Job here plus I really need to keep a close eye on her because she is pregnant." I tell my boss the truth.

"Alright bring her in next time you come in so that I can find her something to do for work." She says before walking out to her office. This is great but first I need to get home.

I leave my work heading to my car to find something catch my eye. Someone is following me around. I walk to the back of the building to see the person in the hood follow me. I turn into a spot were this mystery creep person couldn't see me pin him a against the wall. "Who the hell are you? And why are following me?" I say with venom in my voice pinning the person harder against the brick wall. "It's me Alex. I only wanted to find out more about you." He says to me in a rush. I turn him around roughly to find out that it was really him.

I slap him across the head for his stupidity. "What the hell is wrong with you I could've badly hurt you?" I say very pissed off at him. "Well I let curiosity got the best of me plus they don't teach you the numb and pass out nerve points so that got me thinking that your something else." He says being curious about all of this.
"Well that's none of your business what I'm into. So stop with your curiousness right now. This conversation is over." I say walking away from him. "No its not because my aunt is your boss." He says smirking. I can feel the smirk on his face. I turn around smiling at him. "So that doesn't matter at all. It doesn't change what I think of you. I need to go so bye." I say walking away from him rushing to my car to get home fast.

I park my car to find the front door cracked open. That's really odd when my father is home. I walk into the house quietly so that no one hears me in the house. I walk up stairs to hear moaning and groaning coming from my dad's room.

I open the door to the most horrified scene seen of my life. I see Ms. Stone on top my father both naked to find her riding him to see him flip her on her back going at it hard. It's a good thing they have the covers on.

I shut the door not making a sounds only to run to Jada's rooms to bump into her. That's the most scaring thing ever.

"I'll tell you everything in the car let's go now." I say rushing her out the house.

Once we get in the car and drive to the mall. I tell her everything what happened today. She was happy that she maybe getting a job but she was laughing about the Alex thing. She was horrified about what I told her what I seen My dad and Ms. Stone doing in his bed.

She looked like she was about to throw up when I told her that they didn't even notice that walked into the room because they were so loud. She said she would be horrified if she walked in on that too.

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