Chapter 21

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*Almost Two Months Later*

~Lucy Wriston~

These past few weeks have been very quiet which is odd in my opinion.

So it seems that Ms. Stone and that so called mother of mine is up to something bad.

I'm just waiting for them to slip up. It just seems like they are gonna try and do something. I haven't left my dad alone since he was able to go back to work.

School is boring as always, Sophie is still a pain in the ass slut like always too. She won't leave Alex alone.

Like she had the nerve to come up to me an tell me to stay away from him with her wannabes behind.

I can't stand her face I just want to punch that nose of hers because I know it's fake like everything else on her body.

We all have been hanging out alot at work but John works somewhere else.

Alex and I have been getting close but not to the point of dating. I'm not sure if I have those kind of feeling for him.

"Ugh" I groan from all the thinking. "Yo what's wrong?" Jada says walking over to my bed. "I'm not sure if I like Alex in anyway but as a friend." I tell her.

"Ooo y'all have been spending a lot of time with each other so it would seem like y'all would have feeling for one another." She says sitting. She's gotten big over the almost two months. I think she is due soon.

"I know I'm just not sure if he would feel the same." I say to her. "Well we will just have to find out then." She says getting up from the bed.

We hear a loud bang on the front door. We run down the steps to see the cops breaking the door down.

"Excuse but why are you in my house?" I ask the four cops sitting in my living room with my arms crossed. "We got a call saying that someone has been being hold against their will. That the man was taken from his wife." The cop says as my father walks into the living room.

"What is going on here?" My father asks the cops who looks confused.

"Sir, as I told these young lady's that We got a call saying that someone has been being hold against their will. That the man was taken from his wife." The cop explains again.

"No a fece officer but I'm the father of these two girls and that I'm the only man in this house. I've been divorced for almost 10 or 11 years now an have not remarried." My father says to the cop trying to get things cleared up.

"Well the women said distress over the 911 call." The one of the other cops said. "Did the women say what her name is?" I ask the officer as I sit next to Jada on the bottom step.

"All she said was her last name as in Mrs. Wriston." The officer said sighing.

"The only person who would try this is my ex wife or ex girlfriend." My father to the cop as I walk back up to my room because I'm pissed.

They actually thought that calling the cops would get my dad to them.

I walk over to my window to see only the cops leaving.

The one cop that was talking most of the time made a phone call to someone.

I couldn't make out much of what he was saying but I got 'cannot' 'him' 'daughters' 'home' 'problem'

Oh shit the cop probably isn't a real cop.

"Jada get the guys over now." I said turning around to look at her. "Why?" She asks me.

"Because those cops that were here aren't real cop. They were here to take my father back to those women." I say getting a headache and a bad one at that too.

Not even 3 hours later the boys are in my living room. I've already explained to them what happened today.

We are trying to figure out our next move to be prepared since Alex is my partner at work now. His aunt who is my boss said it would be good idea for us to work together. 'Yay!' 'Note the sarcasm'

"Lucy I think your dad should be put under protection for the time being since they are so keen on getting him." Alex says sipping his drink.

"I think that's a good idea, have your aunt fix it up until we find finish this. I'm gonna take them down." I say rubbing my head. It still hurts a lot the headache won't go down.

Turns out that my so called mother of mine and Ms. Stone are in the trade of selling babies for money that's why she has a degree to be a mid wife to pregnant women.

"Don't forget to say about that Jada needs to be put under protection as well since they are in the trade of selling babies. And it seemed Ms. Stone was determined to take the baby at force. I want her protected at all times like my dad." I say to them surprised that Jada hasn't argued with me about this.

"Alright I'll call her in the morning about this because I am tired." Alex says stretching himself as he yawns.

"Y'all can stay here tonight since you dropped Dean off at your family friends house for the night." I say to them yawning myself.

"Alex you know the room you will be sleeping in and John keep her safe tonight." I say to them both.

I hear a bunch of mumbles of goodnights before getting into my room.

I change into some pj's before bed. I take a bottle of water from my mini refrigerator to take a sip of it.

I get to my bed to snuggle into my blankets. I put the water bottle on tge night stand and plugged up my phone before turning the the out.

I snuggle more into my pillow and baskets since they are so comfortable. I fall a sleep in no time.

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