Chapter 5

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~Lucy Wriston~

I'm on my way to Mexico with my boss. Yes my boss Mrs. Flower and her husband come on the plane each time I work so that I can get back with out a problem.

But I'm looking at the file now. The man is very ugly and has no hair with barely no teeth.

Name: Larry Badly known as Big Papa
Age: 45
Sex: Male


Drug Trafficking
Tax Fraud
Sexual Assault
Credit Card Fraud
Identity Theft

The list just keeps going on. This guy is just terrible doing that stuff plus he is forcing these young girls in to the prostitution which is even more sick because they are under 18.

I close the file and look up to my boss.
"This should be easy but where will his workers be at so that I can catch their eye on me." I ask passing the file back to my boss.

"His men are at a club called VANILLA. He has them always looking for under age drunk girls to take. So you'll have to dress the part and act drunk but DO NOT DRINK the liquor, they have the people put the date rap drug in it if they know your under age." She tells me as she write the address to the club down and passes me a dress and heels to match and my purse with my fake ID for the club.

My job is to get in and take the man down for what he is doing either kill him or kidnap him but my boss wants me to get rid of him so that's what I'll do.

I got my nails painted that can tell if there is a drug in my drink. My boss recommend that I have it just in case to keep myself safe.

I get up to go change in the bathroom on the plane. I lock the door and change into the dress. I put on the straight blonde wag to hide my identity and do my make up light with some lip gloss. I put both of my straps on my inter thigh with my daggers on the both of them hidden well. But they are only for protection. Before I leave the bathroom I put on fake fingertips even though my boss has me clean everything down once I'm done and a fake tattoo of a butterfly with the word 'forever is a long time xoxo' I looks real only because of the tech at at the company made it like that which is really awesome.

I'm named as one of the best. But they call me that BlackNinja. Let's just say you don't want to find out in a bad way how deadly I can be.

I walk out the bathroom on the plane to see that we already landed. I don't look trashy but I'm wearing a mid thigh length dress with it being strapless to show of my tat tats for show that I get them to think I'm a drunk teen partying.

I look over to my boss to see her and her husband get me thumbs up for goodluck.

I walk off the plane to a car that will drop me off at the club. This should be fun.

I arrive at the club grabbing my purse with my fake ID in my hand. I show it to the body guard standing to let some people in at a time but the line is long as hell and I get impatient quick so I just walk up to the guard. He looks at my ID letting me go through to get in to the club.

Once I walk in I'm greeted by a man that looks like he is in his 40's and stinks of liquor.

Gross! I hate the smell of liquor it's makes me sick to my stomach. I almost gage of the smell my I keep myself from doing it.

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