Chapter 18

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~Lucy Wriston~

It's been a long night with my dad being in the hospital. He stopped breathing more then once. I was pulled out the room with force because I was refusing to leave my dad. The nurse told me that I had to go home because I have school. I don't have to go to school I could graduate early if it want.

But right now I'm home feeling really depressed. "Lucy get the heck up" I hear Jada say walking up the stairs. "Ugh but I don't wanna." I say putting my covers over my head. "Well you need to get up now or I'll be late to my appointment. I had your uncle call the school saying that there was a family emergency and that we won't be going to school for the rest of the week." She tells me. She sits next to me on the bed. Now I'm scared at what she will do.

Because the last time I refused to get up she beat me with pillow till i got up. She has a hard hit when she doesn't get what she wants when I'm like this. "I'm up so you better not try anything." I say walking into the bathroom. I hop in the shower to wash what I need. I get out to find mine some clean underwear, bra, and some warm clothes since it's getting really cold out. I found my pink 'Love Pink' Victoria Secrets sweat pant and a plain black T-shirt to wear. After getting dressed I put on my mix-match soxs before putting my shoes on. I rush to the bathroom to brush my teeth before leaving the house.

I grab my phone, car keys and my purse before walking out my room. "You better be ready Lucy." I hear Jada yell from the bottom of the steps. Her mood swings can be bad sometimes. She gotten big too with the baby growing in side of her. I think she like 5 or 6 months now.

"I'm coming down now but we are stopping at Dunkin' Donuts first to get food." I say walking to the front door with her on my heel. We get in my car but before I drive out we snap our seat belts on. Safety should always comes first when driving.

I get to Dunkin donuts drive through to order. Three bagel sandwiches the bacon, cheese and egg one, a ice coffee and a hot chocolate for Jada since she isn't allowed to have coffee. I pull up to the other window to pay to see Beth one of Sophie's followers. I smile and hand her my debit card to pay. "Here you go and your order is ready" She says handing the card back before handing me the drinks one by one as I put them in the cup holders. I take the bag of food handing it to Jada to hold it. I give the girl a $50 dollar tip. She looks like she isn't having a good morning. "Thank you have a good day." I say before pulling off to Jada's new doctor.

Once we got to the Dr Rahool's office we were done with our food even though I know Jada is still hungry since she's feeding for two. It's not a bad thing I just want to make sure she and the baby is health.

I had her change her doctor because Ms. Stone thought it would be a great to leave her duties behind and leave on some 'trip' the bitch went to of fuck with the guy who got her pregnant. She didn't think I would find that out. Well when your working in my line of business you can find stuff usually without a problem.

Jada already signed in to be seen by the Dr Rahool. I hear he is a great doctor. Plus his degrees are real. I look up at Jada to see that she has been called back. "Come on" She said following the nurse back to the room. We got to the room to wait for the doctor to come in. "The doctor will be in a few minutes." The nurse says before leaving us alone in the room.

We get to find out if she's having a boy or girl. Before I could ask Jada about what she thinks the baby is going to be the doctor walks in.


We are driving to the hospital my dad's at now since her appointment is over. The good new is that she's having a little boy. The doctor says the baby is growing healthy. She has a few more months to go before he comes into this world. But the doctor said to make sure she walks about 30 minutes to and hour a day to make sure she stay active during the day.

Its also another way to make sure the baby comes out on time it depends. But she and John have to go to parenting classes for sometime. I think they well be great parents.

I pull into a parking spot to park before going into hospital. We walk to the front desk to see how my dad is doing and to see if we are allowed to see him. "Hello, I would like to see if I'm able to see my father Mr. Wriston?" I ask the nurse in front of me. She looks at me with a smug look. She looks at me one time I'm giving her a piece of my mind. "Oh Ms. Wriston I'm sorry to inform you that your father can't be seen at the moment." The nurse says looking down at the computer.

"And why is that?" I ask gritting my teeth from saying something I probably won't regret later but I was raised to be a lady in public when I was supposed as my father use to say. "Well it says his wife refuses to have anyone to disturbe her husband at any given moment." The nurse says writing back to me what the file says on the computer.

"THE LAST I REMEMBER MY FATHER ISNT MARRIED." I scream at the nurse. "He has been a single father since I was like 8. So who every told you that is a lying crazy bitch. I am he only child I have every right to see my father." I told the nurse before walking off to my father's room with Jada following behind me.

"Let's find the crazy lady who lied so that you can kick some ass." Jada says all excited as she claps her hands together like a little kid with a evil smirk on her face like she pulled a prank on someone. "Yeah let's that do that." I say evilly smiling. I swear if it that bitch of a mother of mine I'm going to assassin her myself. Ms. Stone is just as bad as my deadbeat mother. No one messes with my family. That crosses the line big time.

"Let's go find out who this crazy women is." I said before walking in to the room to find out who was in the room with my dad....

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* Author's Note *

Sorry for the late update busy with college work. But I hope y'all like this.
MoonLight_Lady ( Brit ) : ] ♡ ☆

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