Chapter 17

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~Lucy Wriston~

For the past few days John has been coming over to hang out with Jada. Alex has finished putting the art project together already since I sent him home with some of my craved wolfs and painted and all he had to do was put it together the way I draw it.

I'm waiting for James to get out of school but I think I'm gonna take him a early since he only has an hour left. It won't hurt him. I walk into 'HallowPort Elementary' the school for special kids. Written in big bold letter on the sign before walking into the doors.

I get to the front desk putting a smile on my face. "Hello, how may I help you?" The front desk lady says with a fake smile. I hear that she hates working here but its the only job that would take her and pay her well. "Hi I'm here to pick up my cousin James Wriston." I say to the lady as I sign him out of class.

My uncle got his and James last name changed to mine so that it would a little harder for my so called mother to get him from school. She got to have the same last name and be on the emergency card too. I found out that my uncle was getting both there last name changed when he brought James up here.

"He'll be right done Ms. Wriston." She tells me before going back to her work. It's the first week of Thanksgiving break. I didn't have to go into school because it's last day was yesterday. I walk out the office to see James running towards me with a smile on his face. He is so carefree.

"Hey buddy how was school for you?" I ask him as I took his bag from him so that we could walk out the school. "It was fun and we had a party too I'm class and made a turkey too." He says as I open the door for him to my car showing me what he made. "Well have your dad put it up on the refrigerator when you get home." I tell him as I snap his and my seat belt on. Safety come first for everyone.

He continues to tell me how his day went and how many friends he has now that aren't mean to him like the ones from his old school. Some kids these days need to grow up and be kind to a child that has a special needs. It's wrong to be mean and hateful to them.

We get to the house in no time to find my dad is still not home. That's really odd. I get James into the house for him to start his homework for night. I go in the kitchen to get some juice for James when my phone starts ringing. I take my phone out my back pocket to find its my uncle Justin calling.

L: Hello.

UJ: Hey Lucy umm... There was an accident.

L: what do you mean there was an accident?

UJ: Your father is in the hospital. You need to get here and fast.

I hang up my phone running to the living room. "James we need to go now. Bring your stuff with us." I say grabbing his bookbag as I rush him to the car. We both get in for me to snap our seat belts on before driving out the drive way.

We finally get to the hospital to park the car the closet I could to the entrance. We finally get to the front desk to ask the nurse where my father is. "Hi I want to know where Mr. Wriston is at?" I ask the lady in front of me with James by my side. "Well mis it looks like he is in surgery right now." She says looking between her computer and clipboard.

"Lucy I just got done talking to the doctor come sit over here." My uncle says pulling James and I over to where he was sitting at. "What happened to him?" I ask my uncle as I hand James his Dsi and headphone so that he doesn't hear our conversation.

"He was jumped by some one or people but he was shot twice in the thigh, shoulder and beaten bad." My uncle explains to me trying his hardest not to cry. I text Jada to tell her about what happened.

L: Hey something happened.

J: What happened?

L: Dad was badly hurt so he is in the hospital. I need you to stay with John tonight so that I can make sure everything is going to be alright.

J: Alright I think he'll be okay with it since he has his own place.

L: Okay I'll keep you updated about what's going on.

I put my phone away to see the doctor walking up to us. "Ms. Wriston I have some news about your father." Doctor Rucker says to us with his clipboard in his hand. Yeah I know it's the same doctor that I spoke with on the day when Jada was in the hospital.

"Alright doctor is he alright?" I ask the doctor getting up from my seat. "Well we got the bullets out without a problem he'll have some trouble with moving around and moving his arm for a little. He only has a few broken ribs so he'll be able to go home in a few days so that we can make sure his wounds won't get an infection." The doctor explains to us before leaving to go do more work.

"I'm gonna stay here tonight James has school in the morning and you have work so go on I'll deal with this." I tell my uncle as I look over at a sleeping James. "Are you sure?" My uncle asks me looking stressed. I nod my head at him to go home.

I say good night to both of them before seeing them leave. I'm gonna be waiting a couple hours before my father wakes up. I had a nurse show me where his room was at. She said it was alright for me to stay here. So I'm sitting in a chair next to his bed. I should get some sleep while I'm here as I look over at my father's beat up face.

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*Author's Note*

I'm not sure I gave the father and the uncle names in the beginning of the story so here you go now.

MoonLight_Lady ( Brit ) : ] ♡ ☆

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