Chapter 24

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~Lucy Wriston~

The baby is finally home and doing great so is Jada. John has been here everyday with little John Jr.

The baby is his even though we all knew the baby was his. But he was jumping in enjoy. He won't put Jr down. he wants to spend as much time as he can with him.

He also asked Jada to marry him which she said yes to him.

Alex and I are officially dating now. Because if you told me that I would be dating him a few months ago I would have laughed in your face. Like no joke.

But right now we have seen some people coming near my house and places we have all been. It's like someone is waiting for us to make a dumb move to leave the baby and my dad alone.

And I think I know who is watching us. So we are planning to make it look like that I and the guards have left to check in with my boss but really we are hiding in the house waiting.

We hear a knock on the front door. I give my dad a nod of okay to answer it.

My dad answers the door wide enough for us who is well hidden to see it's a buff man who looks really odd to be at someone's house at 8 o'clock at night.

"Sir it seems I have a flat tire out front of your house. Is there a way I can get some help with changing it since I don't have a jack." The man says to my father.

"Sure come in and I'll go get my stuff to help." My day says nicely. I can see my dad is kind nervous.

The man walks in the house observing thing around him like he is looking for something or someone to be around. That is kind odd I think.

"Sir I can't seem to find my jack it looks like my soon to be son in law had took it with him from the last use." My dad says to the man. "Oh okay that's fine sir I'll call a tow truck to take it to my house not far from here but thanks for trying to help." He says with a half smile.

Right after he leaves it feels like there is tension in the room. My dad let's out a sigh sitting back on on the couch.

A few minutes go by to have another knock at the door. My dad gets up to answer it something doesn't feel right.

He opens it up to find someone we didn't expect to see at all.

That person is at my door was my mother.

"What are you doing here?" My father asks her. She looks at him like she's thinking or something. But she does something nor my dad or I didn't really expect she would do. She freaking kisses him.

Like who does she think he is some rebond because he isn't. My dad pushes her off him. "You are married so you have no right to come here and kiss me." My father says angrily at her.

"I just missed you and came tell you something." She says cupping her face crying. "Boo who you have no right to say that too me. You left me for that man and I meant what I said in court that you are not welcome here and never will be." My father says to her.

I look at my phone to see a message from the guard in the baby's room to find out that someone tried to take the baby. So I step out this time to make sure nothing happens and to confront her.

"Lying isn't going to help you right now since you tried to have the baby upstairs taken but that didn't work." I say stepping out my hidden spot.

"How are you here?" She says a little scared to see me. "Well I had a feeling you would try something the minute I wasn't home and the guards were gone." I say walking up to her.

"Ah I just wanted speak with you father that's all." She says trying to smile. "You lost that chance the day you walk out that door. Now tell us what you wanted to say and get out." I say without emotion.

"Okay then I'll just say it. I'm dying of cancer I only have a month or two left to live I just wanted to let you guys know." She says looking down.

"If that's all now I want you to leave and not come back." I say showing her the door. "You've grown into a bitch." She says all snobby like.

"Well that happens when a child doesn't have a mother figure in his or her life growing up that leave when a child is still at a young age to not fully understand what's going on until she is explained that your mother isn't coming back home because she's with another man." I say yelling the last part at her. She looks horrified at me for my outburst.

"I would have took you with me but he doesn't like kids." She says to me.

"Bullshit I found out that he has 3 kids of his own that live with you. And before you ask how I know is because I work for the best. So before giving me more crap of words think be free you speak bitch. I'm better off staying with my dad but you will never be my mother." I say before slamming that door in her face. It felt good to get that off my chest.

I turn around to find my dad, Jada, John, and Alex looking at me like I have more then one head or something.

"What?" I snapped at then. "Um I think we all should get some sleep for the night." My father before walking up stairs. "Alright let's go to bed night everyone." I say walking up to my room.

It's my bedtime anyway I think to myself as I walk into my room.

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