Chapter 15

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~ Lucy Wriston ~

Turns out my stupid died beat mother isn't stupid enough to bring James to her house but to an apartment close by to know that no one would be smart enough to look around at for a missing kid.

I've been having someone trail these people to find out that they all work for that so called mother of mine and that are highly trained people.

They won't even see what coming to them at all when I come and get him tonight. My boss gave me the okay this morning so I've been preparing all day long to get ready.

* Couple Hours Later *

Right now I'm sitting in a black rental car with Jada so that no one will be able to pin it to me or my uncle.

I had Kelly, Jada and my bosses help me plan this to the t for it to be a perfect to make it look like James was able to get away when they fell asleep.

I know that they are on the second room and that they are stupid enough to leave the windows unlock.

I have Jada drop me off around the corner so that I won't be noticed even though I'm dressed in my ninja/assassin outfit. It's one of my favorite to where from the different styles my boss picked out for me.

I creep into the dark blending with the night. Once I get up to where the window is, I watch how they move around the room. "Dude when do you think this job is be over with?" Mr. Blonde says sitting on the couch looking uncomfortable and unhappy at Mr. Baby face. "The boss lady told us that all we have to do is make sure the kids is feed and unharmed until the deal is done." Mr. Baby face says emotionless as he beings the beer drink to his mouth to see Mr. Blonde get up and walked into the kitchen looking angry.

I go to the second window to find James laying on the bed asleep. All I have to do now is knock these people out, grab James then get out and go home.

They left the window cracked a little so I'm gonna use two of my sleeping darts to knock both of them out.

I shot one sleeping dart at Mr. Baby face in the leg before Mr. Blonde gets back from the kitchen. When he walks back in the room he doesn't even try and walk the guy up. Wow! These guys are really lazy. Before he sits down I shot him in the arms making him fall straight on the couch. This stuff takes affect fast.

Before going into the apartment I make sure my face is covered and my tight hood is over my head. I open the window even more over to find Mr. Blonde looking at me half out of it.

I walk up to him and his friend to grab both darts. I don't wanna leave any trace of me being here.

I walk over to the room where James is and pick him in my arms to carry him out the window.

I carefully go out the window with him in my arms so that I can shut the window. I jump the rest down since it's not high up for me.

Once I get to the ground I run for the car waiting for me and James. This kids is one heavy sleeper to be able to sleep through this unless they gave him something to sleep. We'll know in a few hours when we get home.

I strap him into the set before making Jada drive home fast. We get to the house in no time with my uncle waiting worried look on his face.

I got out of my outfit in the car since I had some clothes under it. I have Jada stuff it in her bag to take it up to my room.

I grab James after I unhook him from the sit still asleep. I walk up to my uncle with James in my arms making sure he doesn't decide to move on me.

My uncle takes him from me to put him on the couch. He comes up to me and Jada hugging both of us all at once.

"I told you I would get him back to you. When he wake up make sure he has something to eat and drink." I explain to him as we all pull away from each other. "I've been worried sick and we need to take down your mother fast for doing this." He tells us as he walk into the kitchen so that we aren't loud.

Finally gonna confront this bitch for theses years and show her that I'm an amazing person without her. But first I have to get rid of my dad bitch of a fake girlfriend.

"I think you need to know something about my dad's girlfriend.." I say to my uncle since I already told Jada about it. "What could ut possibly be?" He says eating some chips from the bag 'Lay's' chips. "She's pregnant and it's not my dad's kid..." I explain everything to him what I found out about her and stuff with a serious face. I look at my uncle to find his mouth hanging open from the news. "Close your mouth please or you'll catch flies." I tell my uncle sitting in the chair across from him and Jada.

"This chick is gonna get it when it goes down. I'm still debating if I should tell him everything or not." I tell them both honestly because I'm not sure if I should. He could think I was lying about it and that I made it up.

"I think you should wait it out a little then when she decides to tell him we'll back you up when she tries to tell him it's his. But this should be good to see." My uncle says to me tapping on the table. "I still don't like this bitch, she tried to hurt my baby and me. We need to take her down and fast when the time comes so we need to get ready for it." This time it was Jada who spoke up sounding very angry and annoyed.

"I know and it looks like I'm gonna expose my secret of my being good looking and a tuff bitch" I say to the both of taking a strawberry out the refrigerator. "Ooo this should be fun I wanna help." Jada says clapping her hands together.

Ugh I'm gonna regret having her help me. This is why I don't get all dresses up with her after I started middle school my boss and I agreed that I would look like like a nerd for until something bad happens to anyone I know then it would be time to reveal the real me.

It's gonna be a long night.

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