Chapter 36

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Athy's P. O. V.

I went to the bathroom and came back with water and towel.. I wiped of the blood stains in his body and corrected my dress. I ran to open the door as cabel and helena were already waiting outside.

"athy.. Are you OK..? You sounded so terrified in the call.." helly asked hugging me

"I am OK.." I mumbled

"where is lucas..?!" cabel asked worried as he already rushed to our room.

" don't worry athy I think he is just sleeping.." he said checking on him..

"cabel.. Can we please take him to the master.. I am still scared.." I said and he nodded a yes

"athy dear.. Are you OK..?!!" lily asked rushing inside..then I and cabel took him to the car and helena stayed behind with lily to take care of the kids. We reached the temple and I was surprised to see there is a secret tunnel to go inside. Thank goodness we don't need to use cable cars.

" so you are saying he fainted after that.?" master asked as he checked lucas while hearing me explain things. He stared at him for a while deep in thoughts.

" athanasia.. Can you stay here with your husband until he wakes up.?" he asked and I nodded a yes

" he will be fine right..?! "I asked and he nodded a yes.. I felt my lost soul finally returning.

" it's a good news dear.. He seem to be in a good condition.. It's strange but good thing.. I have to confirm somethings so I need you too.."he said

" strange.? "I asked and he nodded a yes

" lucas is the only one till now to control this disease on his won but the pain he had to go through isn't ordinary, he stab himself every time and when he losses so much blood his power  weakens  and he inject himself with suppressants.. It's not easy.. Even stabbing oneself when their beast senses are too high.. It's almost impossible to others..

But this time, it's strange, he would always faint but how is his wound healed..?!! "

" ohh that.. I healed it.. " I interrupted and he stared at me shocked..

" you should definitely stay here.. I will be back.. " he said and left the room.. Cabel followed him.

I Sat there staring at lucas with tears.. Master's words kept echoing in my ears.. Why did he have to suffer all this time..?! This stupid..

I walked to the closet to get a blanket and when I turned back he was standing at the door looking out..

"lucas..? What's wrong..? Are you OK..?"
. I rushed towards him and he placed his finger on my lips and i went silent. je keenly stared at something outside and it bothered me to see him looking unrealistically pale in the moonlight.

this vampire guy,

" lucas are you ok ?" i whispered and he turned towards me nodding a yes with a small smile. i felt relieved as i looked outside and i cant see anything it's pitch dark, we are on top of a mountain and he is staring at the darkness with a troubled face.

"sia , how did we came here ?"

" cabel helped me take you here , he is with the master " i said and he nodded a yes.

"its a good thing we came here , i was about to reach master anyways , come with me "

he said dragging me to the hall . we entered in some kind of secret room , for what do they this kind of security ?

" are you ok lucas ?" cabel asked with concern and he just nodded a yes

" did you figured it out master ?" he asked and master gave him a nod with a concerned face.

"Athanasia , come here dear " he called and told me put my hands on a old book.

it glowed and floated in the midair as soon as i touched it. soon , a bright flash appeared from the book which blinded our eyes , i think the book is opening , soon the book fell down which Lucas caught on time. he gave it to me and it was written in some ancient language , i just flipped the pages in curiosity that's when i saw a page about jewel eyes and paused .

i searched for the language by scanning the page on my mobile but it showed error , a language not even known to the world?!!! what could it be ?!!!

"Master , do you know this language ?" i asked and he nodded ayes

"This language was learnt only by us monks , it shouldn't be known to the world , " he said taking the book from me , he flipped the pages slowly as he read line by line .

he sighed as he looked up at me straight in the eyes .

"I thought it was strange when i saw you on your wedding day, your eyes , they belong the royal family , don't you know you area descendant of royal family dear?" he asked

" No, i don't , in this era who would still talk about royalties and all master ?!!" i said and he chuckled

"Indeed , no one cares about that anymore, but , your eyes only your family has this , this jeweled eyes symbolize that the beholder of this eyes has the catholicon blood. "

"Catholicon blood ?!!"Lucas asked

" it's an ancient Greek word Lucas, it means something like a magical elixir or potion capable of curing all ailments and diseases , like that " i said and he nodded a yes.

" i just thought i have strong healing magic than others " i mumbled .

" so , is that why that Anastacius is searching for her ?!!" lucas asked , his voice held anger.

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