Chapter 6 : Batman and Gordon

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While waiting in the backseat, Chloe constantly checking on the little girl in her arms. She tried talking to her, sing a lullaby, anything that could comfort the child in shock.

She remembered many years ago when she was in her shoes, helpless and confused, traumatized by the event. She wished she could find some food, a blanket perhaps, anything that could ease the anxiety, but all she found in the trailer was beer and cigarettes.

The sound of engine grew from a distance, followed by a pair of headlights breaking out of the trees. A vehicle slowly drove up the trailers, and a person stepped out the car. Based on the slam of the door, the driver was not happy.

"You know, when I said I like to see you more often, I didn't mean literally." said Detective Kelly, gulping down coffee from a to-go cup.

"I'm very sorry, Detective. I don't know who else to call."

Chloe explained how she took on a task, and wind up with three meth chemists and a little girl. The Detective pulled out a pair of rubber gloves, shined a flashlight and began inspecting the trailer.

"You did all this?" the Detective came out amused.

"I... Technically, they shot each other." Chloe hesitated, still holding the little girl. "What are you going to do?"

Detective Kelly made a thorough sweep around the premises, Chloe could see she was working up a story in her mind.

"Well, I can say I received an anonymous tip. Have they seen your face?"

"I had my helmet on."

"Good, but what about her?" Kelly turned the flashlight on the trembling girl, she cringed deeper into Chloe's embrace.

"She can't talk." said Chloe rubbing the girl's hair, trying to ease her tension.

"Can't or won't?"

Chloe shook her head, the girl hasn't spoken a word since her rescue, Chloe couldn't tell which.

"I don't think she belongs here. Can you find her parents?"

"Well, first I need to find out who she is and why she's in a meth lab. I can take her to the station for the night, then reach social service in the morning."

"Please do. And please get her something to eat."

It took great efforts to persuade the little girl into letting go of Chloe, so they could walk her to the Detective's car. Chloe settled her in the backseat, tidied her hair and kissed her on the forehead.

"It's okay. Detective Kelly is my friend, she's gonna take you home. You're in safe hands now." said Chloe with a promising smile.

Gently shutting the door, she blew a cloud of vapor on the glass, and drew a heart with her finger. The little girl broke out her first smile, she too raised her finger, retraced the heart shape from behind the glass, the response made Chloe all heartwarming.

"Look at you. Already a mother to her." Kelly chucked.

"I'm not qualified." Chloe shook her head.

"Another one of your secret task?" Kelly looked back at the trailer.

"Have to make a living." Chloe joked.

"I told you. Join the police force, so you can beat people up in broad daylight!"

"You know that's not my intention." Chloe shook and smiled.

"My intention is to know you return to live a decent life, not playing another vigilante. I have a hard time cleaning up the mess for one Batman. I don't need to cover up for another Raven!"

"Raven?" Chloe blinked.

"Yeah, they have a name for you now. Maybe the next time you decide to fly around, do it more discreetly!"

"I'm so sorry." Chloe apologized, and then smiled sweetly. "But I know you'll always be my Commissioner Gordon."

"Yeah, like they'll ever elect a black woman to be Commissioner!" Kelly scoffed. "Now shoot! Before my people find you here, and I need you to text me when you get home!"

"Yes Mom." Chloe joked.

Detective Kelly dialed a number for reinforcement. She watched Chloe pick up her helmet, give her a thankful nod, and disappear into the night.

"See you around, Raven!" the Detective chuckled.

It only seemed like yesterday that she met Chloe at the studio, fragile and frightened from the near attack of some creepy man. Who could have imagined the same girl is now some dark heroine, fighting crimes and saving people at night.

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