Chapter 15 : Morning

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Brooke woke up to the sound of shower, she opened her eyes and found herself in an unfamiliar place. She prayed that she didn't get drunk and wake up in another man's house again.

She let out a sigh of relief when she saw Chloe stepping out of the shower. The new girl wore nothing but a towel over her head, drying her hair as she walked to her own bed. The curtain was lit by the morning glow, highlighting her curvy figure in a black silhouette. The scene was as beautiful as a painting.

Brooke watched the figure tossed away the towel and put on her underwear, but quickly shut her eyes as Chloe turned around, let out a loud yawn and stretched, pretending she just woke up.

"Did you sleep well?" asked Chloe pulling on a sweater.

"Like I slept for a thousand years!" Brooke pushed herself up reluctantly, the couch was so good she didn't want to leave. "What time is it?"

"Almost nine."

"Oh Shit!"

Chloe watched in confusion as the lost girl jumped to her feet, panicking around the small apartment.

"Oh Shit! I don't have anything to wear!" Brooke ran around, turning over cushions as if it helped.

"You can wear these." Chloe pointed to the clothes she prepared last night.

"You're my savior!"

Brooke clumsily pulled up the pair of jeans, slipped one leg through but caught with the other, hopping on one foot and rammed her pinky toe into the coffee table.

"AWW!!! FUCK! I mean SHIT! DAMN IT! JESUS! Christ that HURTS!!"

Chloe listened to the girl fix her language at every hop, wasn't sure if she should laugh. Brooke's reputation at the studio was well known as a disorganized person. The teachers didn't respect her and neither did the students.

This girl needs to pull her life together. She wished to say, but bit her tongue in the process.

"Shoes! Where are my shoes??" Brooke looked around in panic.

"You can wear these." Chloe pointed at the pair of old sneakers.

"I owe you big time!"

Brooke simply picked up the sneakers and ran out the door barefoot. Chloe remained where she was, counting the seconds in her heart.

One... Two... Three...

It took twenty seconds for the lost girl to step back through the door again, still barefoot.

"Hey, just remember I don't have a job anymore..." she shrugged with an embarrassing smile.

"Let me make you breakfast." Chloe said, trying so hard not to laugh.

* * *

While making French toast, Chloe turned on the news from her phone, there was no mention of the shootout at the club, she was not surprised. Most gang wars don't reach the police, because neither side wants to get the authority involved. As for the customers, most were too embarrassed to admit their presence.

"I know it's not my place to say." Chloe placed the breakfast on the table, laying the cutlery in a fine manner. "But you really should stop working at the club. That place isn't safe."

"Are you gonna be my mother too?" Brooke threw her a look, picked up the toast with her hand and tore a big chunk. "Girl, I worked night shift at a gas station when I was fourteen!"

"I'm not trying to be your mother. Now finish your plate!" Chloe joked.

Brooke broke out a laugh, first time since she got kicked out the house.

"By the way, thanks for letting me stay. With what happened last night, I forgot to thank you for having me."

"For one night." Chloe reminded.

"Don't worry. I'll be out of your hair in no time. I'm a survivor, I can find work anywhere!" Brooke chewed down another mouthful. "Soon as I get my stuff from the club."

"You keep all your things at the club?"

"Yeah! After Tammy threw me out of the studio!"

"Maybe I can talk to her..." Don't! Her other self reminded.

"Don't bother! She's gonna fire you for even bringing it up!" Brooke finished her plate, down to the last crumb and stood up. "Now I just need to wait for the club to open."

"Is it going to open? After what happened last night?"

"Believe me! If the world is overrun by zombies, Harish will have that place running!"

"What are you going to do meanwhile?"

Chloe followed her to the door, watched the girl slip into the old sneakers without socks.

"I don't know. Maybe hang out at the park. I saw some skateboarders doing tricks over there. I always think they look cool."

"Maybe you can use the time to look for a job? Time moves faster when you're doing something productive."

Brooke's eyes widened, like she was struck by the idea.

"Yeah! That's a great idea, Chloe! Why didn't I think of that?"

At first Chloe thought she was being sarcastic, then she saw the sparkles in those eyes. This girl who lives her life in a mess, has never received guidelines from anyone.

"It's call time management. Lifehack One-O-One." Chloe smiled like a teacher.

She watched the girl check herself in the mirror, those jeans were a little short on Brooke, hanging just above the ankles. For the first time Chloe studied her figure, Brooke was slimmer and taller, she would do well in modeling, if she knew how to plan her life.

She couldn't help but reach out, brushed a strand of hair away from Brooke's face. The gesture was casual, like girls helping each other prepare backstage, but the reaction was a confusing look. Brooke gazed at her for long seconds, it made Chloe feel awkward.

"Sorry, I was just... trying to fix that." she apologized, took a step back.

There was another long gaze, before Brooke turned her eyes away.

"Well, thanks... for everything. Really!" her eyes avoided Chloe.


Chloe wasn't sure if Brooke heard her, because the girl exited the door without looking back.

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