Chapter 41 : Morning After

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Chloe woke up looking at the bareback of a different girl, this one pale white, and smooth as ivory. The body slept so still it was hardly moving, so still that she couldn't help but touch it, testing if it was alive. Then she brushed her finger tips over the silk skin, all the way down the spine. It did not move.

She's not Paige, nor is she Brooke.

Chloe carefully rolled out of bed, it was soft as water, and rippled under the slight movement. She grabbed the closest fabric to cover her front, which was Wandinha's black dress, still smelled of jasmine.

She walked barefoot to the door and looked out the garden. The view of the city where she grew up, was breathtaking at sunrise, but also strangely foreign from this height.

Just like how her body feels now.

Her skin grew ultra-sensitive, so much so that she could feel sound vibrating in the air. Underneath that skin was a flow of electricity, buzzing from every vein in her body, like she was going through a transformation. She knew she should feel cold, but her body didn't feel solid, as if the cold breeze just blew right through her, didn't raise a single goosebump.

With the sound of cello still playing in her head, she turned and looked back into the room. Wandinha was still sleeping with her back to her, her paleness forming a high contrast with the dark purple bedsheet. The composition was so beautiful it felt deliberate.

A wave of guilt washed over her, that shortly after her sleepover with Brooke, she now committed an intimate act with someone whom she only met a few times. She couldn't remember what led her to this situation, but last night was spellbinding, like she was not herself.

Confused and panicked, she hurried to put back her wingsuit, ran out the garden and dove over the edge, not knowing all this time Wandinha was wide awake.

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