Chapter 34 : En Garde!

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With her car in the shop, Chloe planned to get the motorcycle from her storage unit. The Hare GS has a futuristic look, but would pass as an ordinary street motorcycle in broad daylight.

She waited outside her door for her Uber to arrive, but instead a big white Range Rover pulled up, blocking her like a wall. The tinted window rolled down, revealing the driver as a bald man in sunglasses.

"Our boss wishes to see you." the driver said.

"Carlos or Wandinha?" Chloe narrowed her eyes.

"Please." the man simply nodded, behind him the door slid open.

Grunting in frustration, she climbed inside the giant vehicle, took out her phone and cancelled her Uber.

The Range Rover took her to the PPG Tower again, this time there was no one to greet her, but the private elevator was waiting with its doors open.

Once inside, she pressed the button to the top floor, but it didn't respond. Instead, the door slid shut and began ascending. Looking at the ceiling she spotted a security camera. She could only assume someone had a plan for her.

The elevator took her one floor below the penthouse, opened her to a new scenery. The entire floor was transparent, divided only by walls made of glass. She could see the entire city from where she stood.

She recognized it as a gym, with weights and treadmills on one side, a boxing ring on the other. Everything stood out sharply in black, in contrast to the snow-white walls that were the spine of the building.

There was a faint clicking sound around the corner, like thin metal strips striking against each other. She went to the other side, past an indoor swimming pool and reached the other side of the building, where she found two people fencing.

Chloe wasn't familiar with the sport, but she was sure these people were playing against regulation. First of all, they weren't traveling back and forth like in competitions, but maneuvering freely around the floor. Secondly, one of the fencers dressed all in black.

Standing at the far corner were two observers, an old man with white beard and a girl, both dressed in full white fencing fashion. The old man spotted Chloe's presence and gave a courtesy nod, Chloe nodded in return, then watched respectfully from a distance.

At the center of the floor, the fencer in white was attacking in an aggressive manner, but the fencer in black was steady, blocking every strike with a simple but swift move.

Chloe watched the fencer in white advancing with the sword. The fencer in black retreated under control, backing away in a circular path, lurking the opponent into a position.

And then in three moves, she watched the fencer in black launch a counterattack, first striking the opponent's hand, then swung at the feet. The white opponent fought to balance, opening a window for the final strike. But instead of going for a score, the fencer in black took a swing on the opponent's other leg, tripping the opponent to fall.

"Strike!" the old man at the corner called out.

The fencer in black stood over the defeated opponent, pointing the sword tip at the net face shield.

"Do you yield?" Wandinha's voice came behind the black mask, her opponents nodded.

Wandinha took a step back, withdrawing her sword to a resting position, removed her headgear, revealing that pale face. Her opponent got back up, took off his headgear and showed a boy's face.

"Chloe. You made it." she said without moving her eyes from her opponent.

"I don't remember we have an appointment." Chloe shook her head, disliking the girl using her power to rule over people, but did not want to be rude in front of her guests.

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