Chapter 7 : Night Routine

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After dropping everything off at the self-storage unit, Chloe drove home to her rented apartment, a small attic of a three-story building.

The apartment was no bigger than the bedroom she grew up in, with half the ceiling sloped down by the roof, cutting off a portion of the headroom, but the lost place was made up by a bay window, with enough space to sit and read books. She loved it at first sight.

The apartment came with a simple bed, a table, a wardrobe, and a bookshelf. On the shelves displaying a line of pictures, from the OG to the Recovery, but most importantly - a picture of her mother, all thanks to Mrs. Hyland who prefers traditional prints to digital photos.

Kelly Hyland has been a mother to her over the months she stayed, and Paige always a sister, but Chloe didn't want to live off them forever, she wanted to be independent, and with dignity.

Stepping out of a long shower, she reached the shelf for a box of white wine, poured herself a glass. She doesn't have a habit of drinking, but her mother always liked a glass of chardonnay before bed, and by doing so she felt connected to her mother.

While sipping the wine, she stared at the pictures, recalling her adventures over the years, and happy that she finally retired from all the action, now living back in Pittsburgh and seeing her friends again, making up for lost time.

Retired. She chuckled at the word, she's only twenty-one.

She let the wine flow in her bloodstream, settling her adrenaline, looking forward to a good night's sleep.

Ever since her return to Pittsburgh she has had trouble sleeping. At first she thought it was the jetlag, until she found herself wild awake every night, as if her body refused to rest. She tried jogging, mile after mile, until she spent every bit of energy, only then could she close her eyes.

Doing tasks takes her adrenaline on a rollercoaster ride, pumping it sky-high and dropping it deep, enough to get the stimulant out of her system, and put her to a peaceful sleep. And on nights without tasks, she put on her wingsuit, flew the sky of Pittsburgh, and sought out those who needed help.

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