Chapter 29 : Home Sweet Home

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The Range Rover dropped her outside her apartment, right next to her Ford. It appeared that Wandinha had her people break into her car, and drive it from the studio to her flat.

On the front passenger seat she found a black rose and a box of chocolate. She appreciates the gesture, but made a mental note to speak to Wandinha about respecting ones privacy.

Looking up she could see her window lit, and it struck her that she had never seen this view before – to see her window glowing from the street, like someone was waiting to welcome her home.

Brooke is home! A warm feeling washed over her heart.

For the first time in so long, she felt the sweetness of coming home to someone waiting. Suddenly, having a roommate didn't seem that bad.

She fetched out her keys and opened the door, taking every step thinking what her apartment might turn into. Half way up she could hear music, and by time she reached her door her nightmare came alive.

She was first hit by a blast of music, playing some techno from her laptop. Her bed was unmade, the stove was piled with takeout bags. On the table were boxes of half-eaten pizza, chicken drumsticks, and half a dozen empty beer cans.

"There you are!" Brooke cheered under the loud music. "Come dance with me!"

Chloe grunted at the mess, quickly went to her laptop to turn off the music.

"Keep it down! It's late!"

"I got a job! They hired me! They even offered me a place to sleep!" the girl cheered, her face glowing pink, half drunk no doubt.

"I'm happy for you." Chloe hurried to clean up the table. "How much did you drink??"

"Stop cleaning for a bit! Come drink with me!" Brooke pushed a beer to her face.

Chloe very much wanted to fix the place, but then she understood how Brooke must be feeling, that over a series of unfortunate events, this must be the happiest day of her week.

"Just one drink!" she received the beer and took a sip. "So tell me about this place."

"This boy Nick at the park told me he used to dance in this place when he was little. Now it's running by this fat lady in a wheelchair..."

From Chloe's mouth burst out a big cloud of white foam, coughing so hard to find her air.

"You don't mean..." Chloe tried to catch her breath. "The Abby Lee Dance Company??"

"I think it's called the Abby Lee Dance Studio?"

"No. I'm pretty sure it says Company!" Chloe thumping at her chest, trying to knock the last drop out of her lungs. "And did you check the accommodation?"

"Nope, but the woman said it's on the top floor and as big as the studio itself!"

Color drained from Chloe's face, with images of the dusty attic where her mentor stayed, which she only visited once, and promised herself never to go up there again.

"I hope you'll like the place." was the only thing she could say at the moment.

"I'm gonna work full-time over there. It's a distance to skateboard from here, so..."

"There's always the bus."

Chloe couldn't imagine how a girl like Brooke could pass an audition at the ALDC, let alone work with Ms. Abby.

"I meant can you drive me tomorrow? I need to move a few bags."

"You have one bag as far as I remember." Chloe thought of the big garbage bag.

"Yeah but..." Brooke shifted her chair so they sat side by side, throwing an arm over Chloe's shoulder. "I really like you to be there, on my first day at work. It would mean so much to me!"

Chloe bit her lip, taking big gulps of beer down her throat.

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