Chapter 36 : On the Dance Floor

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Chloe waited for the last of the ALDC staff to leave the building, giving another five minutes, before steering the Range Rover up the driveway. Brooke quickly unlocked the door, came out and helped her move the bags of takeout.

At least here, they gave her a key! Chloe thought.

According to Brooke, Abby was taking her students to compete in South Carolina, so they have the place all to themselves.

Not much has changed at the studio, and Chloe felt like stepping back in time, heading for class with her team. Except now that all their photos were removed due to contract reasons, and the only thing that belonged to the OG was the bench that Jill bought for Abby, still sitting at the doorway.

They carried the food up to the observation deck, where long stairs were made for the moms to view their children in session.

Chloe's heart filled with memories. She saw her mother sitting on the far end - "Christi's spot" as they called it. Kelly would sit next to her, then Jill, Melissa and Holly near the stairs. Their places never changed, and neither did their friendship - laughing while fixing dance costumes, fighting over whose daughter deserves the next solo, or simply badmouthing Abby behind the observation glass. Those were the days of innocence, when life was just dancing and fun.

"What's wrong?" Brooke woke her from her memories.

"Nothing." Chloe looked away, didn't realize she was crying. "It's just... I used to come here."

"You danced here? When?" Brooke puzzled.

"When I was little. This was the show I was talking about."

She half expected Brooke burst out in anger for not telling her before, but instead the girl shoved a can of beer into her hand.

"Then welcome back!" Brooke popped open her own beer and cheered. "And HAPPY NOT-GETTING-FIRED DAY FOR ME!!"

It wasn't the reaction Chloe expected, but it was the best result. Brooke never seemed to be interested in other people's lives. She would fit well in Chloe's double life.

Today marked a successful week for Brooke working at the ALDC, which was a miracle considering she and Abby share similar attitudes.

Chloe cheered with her, sipping beer while listening to Brooke gossip about work. It was like a mother listening to her baby girl come back from the first day of school, everything seemed new and exciting.

She chuckled at the idea, that she was becoming the overly protective parent her mother once was, who always wanted to be there, to watch over the clumsy girl who chooses tortilla chips and beer for dinner, who can sleep in any place.

Chloe looked at the time. If Ms. Abby hasn't changed her competition itinerary, the bus should be on its way back by now. She began cleaning up the place, hoping they didn't leave a smell on the observation deck.

"No. Stay!" Brooke stopped her. "They won't be back until Sunday. Ms. Abby is going to attend two competitions."

"I thought you said they went to South Carolina." Chloe confused, rarely did Ms. Abby take them to two competitions in a row. Unless...

"She said one, but one of the girls told me Abby was taking her to another one right after, and she wasn't supposed to tell anyone."

It's all Ms. Abby's game once again! When is she going to stop playing these stupid games??

Chloe remembered well when Abby took Maddie to attend another competition right after they competed, unknown to other moms and girls.

"So what do you say? Wanna see where I sleep?" Brooke took her hand.

"I really don't want to..." Chloe muttered, thinking about the dusty old attic.

Instead Brooke took her down to Studio C, the room where students practice physical exercise. There she laid out a few mattresses, pulled out cushions and a blanket from the closet.

"You're kidding me!" Chloe shook her head in disbelief.

No one ever dares to use the facility for fun and games, let alone sleeping, yet Brooke placed out two cushions for pillows, threw a blanket over the mattress, it looked almost like a decent bed.

"Did you really think I slept in that shithole upstairs?" Brooke smirked, went and turned off the last light, leaving only a green glow from the fire exit sign.

"You're unbelievable!"

To Chloe, the ALDC was always a serious place with absolute discipline, never would a student dare misbehave on the premises. But at the same time she felt her heart tinkling.

Rules keep you from becoming what you truly are. Coach Vezzali's word came into her head.

Growing up, she was attached to the Lukasiak name, everything she did represented her family reputation. She has never done anything out of line, except now she was all by herself, with no attachment.

"Come on! What a girl has to do to have you come to bed with me?" Brooke sat on the mattress, patting the space next to her.

The gesture was tempting, like asking a lover to bed, but at the same time like a child asking for closure.

"One Night!" Chloe bit her lip, kicking off her shoes.

She laid on the mattress - the mattress she spent thousands of hours on, it carried her sweat and tears, the softness hasn't changed after all these years.

Brooke pulled the blanket over them, cuddled into Chloe's bosom like a child. Chloe wrapped an arm around her, protecting her like the night she was sick.

It never occurred to her what she saw in Brooke. She could be tough as a boy, insubordinate, and independent, other times she was like a little girl, desperately needing love and care.

Chloe wasn't sure what to make of their relationship, but tonight she knew she'd be giving someone comfort, and she too would sleep well.

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