Chapter 47 : Sponsor

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Chloe walked across the parking lots at fast pace, keeping her eyes on the surroundings. It has been almost a month since the incident, and there has been no sign of the bikers or Terrance's men. But out of old habits, she stays alert at all times.

She entered Studio 19 and found it decorated with balloons and banners. The staffs were having a feast, eating and drinking from the tables of food.

"What's going on?" Chloe asked Tammy.

"We're expanding!" her boss answered in excitement.

"Since when?"

"Since we have a sponsor! As of today, we're part of the Association of Dancers and Artists Management. We'll have more opportunity for exposure!"

"Association of... How come I never heard of it?"

"It's a new organization that funds potential dance studios, and we are the first!"

"And they just give out money??"

"Not exactly. They're new and want support, so in return we must attend their events like shows and competitions."

"Shows and competitions?" Chloe gasped at the two things she did not wish to get involved.

Undoubtedly, exposure is good for a studio, and competitions can motivate students, give them a chance to show their best. And what parent wouldn't love to see their children performing proudly on stage? But competitions may also put pressure on some, and the idea of meeting Ms. Abby in a competition sent her shivers.

Half way down the party Chloe spotted a figure outside the window. Wandinha was standing by herself, but far up the driveway was her Range Rover motorcade. Chloe excused herself and went out to meet her.


Chloe greeted the girl in black with a shy smile. She hasn't seen her since that awkward night, and felt awfully irresponsible for not getting back to her after sleeping together.


Wandinha greeted her back with a blank face, so hard to tell if she was upset that Chloe left without saying goodbye.

"Come join us!" Chloe tried to break the ice.

"No. I came to show you something."

The girl in black took her hand, like that night when she showed her the penthouse. Together they walked up the motorcade, and Chloe spotted her Ford Fusion parking behind the large Range Rover.

"You picked it up for me?" Chloe's eyes widened, her car has been in the shop for so long she almost forgot she had it.

"Without consent." Wandinha opened the passenger-side door. "Get in."

"Where're we going?"

"I want to show you something."

"This isn't it?" Chloe confused.

The girl didn't answer, and Chloe has gotten used to her mysterious behavior. She slipped behind the steering wheel, pressed a button to start the car, the engine roared alive, and she was pleased to hear that familiar sound again.

From the passenger seat, Wandinha touched a button on the dashboard, and a flat device slotted out from the surface. It flipped up and glowed, displaying a GPS map on its screen.

"I didn't ask for this." Chloe said.

"Go here." Wandinha tapped on the screen.

Frustrated, Chloe followed the path on the GPS map. She knew there's no point arguing with this strange girl.

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