Chapter 26 : Dinner

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First thing Chloe did when they returned to the flat was take Brooke's temperature, the fever was gone and it brought her relief.

They each broke out their shopping bags. Chloe poured the soup into a pot and heated it, then placed the pastries on the grill. Even living by herself, she didn't lose the elegance of table manners, setting the cutlery like she ate with her family.

Brooke poured out her big bag of tortilla chips, spilling them in a bowl and beyond, took out a pack of Twinkies and Snoballs, and finally slammed a six-pack on the table so hard the room shook.

"Please tell me you didn't think that as dinner." Chloe said it with disapproval.

"What's wrong? It's cheap and filling and gets me to sleep."

"Not when you're on medication."

She replaced Brooke's junk food with hot soup and pastries, spread them with butter, they melted instantly on the toasted surface.

She then cut up an apple, placed the pieces around the plate like a flower, set a cup of peanut butter in the middle. She picked up a piece and scooped up the peanut butter, put it in her mouth and chewed.

"That's nasty!" Brooke made a distasteful face.

"My kind of snack." Chloe took another bite.

Brooke sipped a spoonful of the hot soup. It was simple borscht, but being in a cozy home and at a table with Chloe, it tasted like the best soup in the world.

Over dinner she told Chloe her long journey after leaving home, the jobs she took, the places she slept. She described them proudly like an adventure.

In return, Chloe told her about being on TV, the good and bad she learned about fame and show business. She told her about the loss of her family, but mentioned nothing about the unusual life she went through.

After dinner Brooke wanted to break out the beer, but Chloe insisted she take a shower and sleep early. She put Brooke to bed, fed her pills like a mother to her child.

"You're not coming to bed?" asked Brooke rolling in the soft blanket.

"It's a single bed. It's not fit for two."

"But I sleep better with you! I promise I stay still so I won't kick you out of bed!" Brooke whined like a little girl, it softened Chloe's heart.

"Okay. Just this once!"

Slipping under the blanket, Brooke cuddled up to her like a cat. The girl used her shampoo and she smelled good, and her body felt so warm.

On a typical night it was too early for Chloe to sleep at this hour, but tonight she did.

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