Chapter 45 : Meet the Boss

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Chloe made one more check on Brooke's IV drop, making sure all the equipment was at the right setting. She treasured every second of the visiting hour, making sure her friend was fully cared for before she set out for her task.

After two long days of struggling, Brooke fought her way out of the intensive care unit, and was moved to the standard ward. But her fight was far from over, her heart was weak and she needed machines to help her breathe. Her face was under layers of tubes and bandages, and Chloe was too afraid to picture the damage.

The doctor said she would need plastic surgery, it was enough to sink both their hearts. Part of Chloe wished Brooke never wakes up to learn the news.

A nurse came in to announce the end of visiting hour. Chloe placed a gentle kiss on Brooke's forehead, put on her motorcycle jacket and stood.

Tonight's the night! She made a promise to Brooke.

Over the past two days she has conducted constant surveillance on Terrance Berkeley, the man responsible for Brooke's suffering. She learned about his daily routines, where he works and sleeps, the people he met, his most and least vulnerable positions. He has a breakfast meeting with a big land developer tomorrow, so he'll be returning home early to prepare for the big day.

She was on her way out when a dozen men walked in, blocking the only door out of the room. Chloe could feel the hostility from their appearance: the leather jackets, the hair, and the tattoos.

"Sir. Visiting hour is over." the nurse said.

"We'll be quick."

One of the men pulled out a gun and shoved the nurse into a corner, warning her not to make a sound. Then a tall man stepped out among the crowd, dressing differently from the rest. It was none other than Terrance Berkeley himself.

Chloe took a step back, guarding Brooke with all she had. Usually she wouldn't be intimidated by such a crowd, but she couldn't fight her way out, not with Brooke lying weakly in her bed.

"We finally met." Terrance stood with her face-to-face. "I am here to remind you that we know the things you care about the most, your friend here, and at the studio, everyone."

"What do you want?" Chloe narrowed her eyes, her hands clutching into fists.

"You are going to come with me. We have a lot to talk about."

"I'm not leaving her!" Chloe stood firmly.

"We can take you, or we can take her, right out of those tubes."

With a signal from his eyes, two men went around the bed, shoving the nurse away and reaching for the machines.

"Don't touch her!!" Chloe demanded, then swallowed hard. "I'll come with you, but you'll have to clear the room first. I will not leave my friend with any of you!"

"I don't think you are in the position to negotiate." Terrance smirked.

Chloe bit her lip. She knew she'd be dead if she walked out with these men. But that wasn't her concern, she faced death more than she could count, even welcomed it a few times.

It was Brooke, lying on the brink of her life. Everything that happened to her was Chloe's doing, and she couldn't bear the heart to cause the girl more suffering.

Down to a standoff, a ring tone broke the silence. Keeping her eyes on Terrance, she reached into her pocket, took out her phone and answered. From the other end came an unexpected voice.

"Let me speak to the man in front of you." Mr. Garcia spoke in his soft but high pitch.

Puzzled, Chloe handed the phone to the man in front of her, he was as puzzled as she was. She then watched as the man's confidence slowly faded, color washed from his face, and replaced by cold sweat.

The call lasted a minute, but it felt like an hour, as Chloe watched Terrance's posture deteriorate, his hands trembling, barely breathing, like his was froze by some magical spell from the phone.

He stood there and listened, didn't interrupt a word, until he lowered his trembling hand, almost dropped the phone returning it.

Chloe received and listened, but Mr. Garcia had already hung up, and she had no idea what he said to Terrance, except by the time she looked up again, the tall man was already withdrawing his crew, not even giving her a second look.

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