Chapter 23 : Duet

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The studio was unusually crowded, everyone was gathering like they were watching a show. Chloe approached the front desk and asked Shannon.

"What's going on?"

"Someone is auditioning!" the receptionist was jumping in excitement.

Chloe's heart sank. This would mean Brooke's position would be replaced, especially when hearing the crowd cheering for the newcomer.

"Her moves are amazing!"

"Oh! She's beautiful too!"

No girl could resist such words and just walk away, they all want to see for themselves, that if the person who everyone claims is truly better or prettier. Chloe was no different.

She pushed through the crowd to reach the front, Tammy was standing with the senior staffs, everyone was focusing on a girl in black.

The dancer was a young girl in tank top and legging, her hair was as black as her clothes, done in a long thick braid that swung with her move. Her skin was pale in contrast to the rest of her, with dark lipstick and eye shadow that made her face cold, like someone into Gothic fashion.

She was doing Spanish Tango, under music of guitar and light drums, her hips were powerful, her moves were fluid, like she owned the music.

The floor gave enthusiastic applause at the end of the performance, and Tammy quickly grabbed Chloe to meet the new girl.

"Chloe! This is Wandinha. She's here for an audition."

"You danced beautifully." Chloe shook hands with the girl, her hand felt as cold as her face.

"Thank you. I watched your show. I'm your biggest fan." the girl grinned at the corner of her cold lips. "I always wish a chance to have a duet with you."

"That's flattering."

"How about right now? I have the perfect music." the girl cocked her head.

"I'm not sure... I just got here." Chloe hesitated.

"Go on, Chloe, let's see your improv!" Tammy clapped, and all the staffs clapped with her.

Being put on the spot, Chloe removed her jacket and shoes, tied her hair to a ballet bun.

Wandinha took her position at the far corner, legs crossing, leaning low with arms wide open, like a bird ready to fly. Chloe stood in her third-position.

The music was Central American, but unlike the previous piece, this one was more modern, like the ones played in soccer matches.

Wandinha moved in with light steps, then took a leap in the air. Chloe offered an arm to receive, but Wandinha was coming in too close, her leg was dropping on her head like an axe.

Chloe narrowly escaped the drop, spinning away like it was part of her moves, there she felt an arm around her waist, reversing her spin and pulling her back, bringing her face to face with her counterpart.

"Hello, Chloe." Wandinha whispered with a sly grin, her body smelled of jasmine.

Chloe alarmed, quickly pushed herself away in another graceful spin, keeping a knee up to guard herself.

Wandinha performed a series of flips, circling Chloe like a shark trapping its prey, searching for openings. Her moves caused the crowd to cheer, but only Chloe could read the moves.

Capoeira! She thought, the deadly Brazilian martial art that looks like a dance.

She was standing in front of a room full of spectaculars, not to mention her boss and all the teachers. She couldn't just break out a fight, at least not before Wandinha reveals hers.

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