Chapter 40 : The Dance

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Circling above the PPG Tower she could make out the garden she visited, with shapes of gravel pools looking like sand traps on a golf course, and in the middle was Wandiha, all alone with her cello, playing a sad melody.

This person has everything in the world. Chloe told herself. Everything but a real friend.

She recalled everything Wandinha did, the tailing, the duet, invitation to her house, fencing challenge, and finally the proposition to become a business partner.

She was trying to get to know you. She just didn't know how.

* * *

Wandinha did not react to the figure that just landed from the sky, her fingers continued dancing on the strings, like she was expecting it all along. But her melody shifted, her rhythm grew to a lighter beat.

Listening from a distance, Chloe felt the tune familiar, then she remembered.

Our first duet!

The Brazilian dance music she heard in the studio was now delivered by a cello, not as danceful, but more classy, like a piece for ballroom dancing.

Wandinha looked up at her, grinning faintly, repeating the chorus over and over, like she was speaking through her instrument.

Chloe crossed her steps in response, blending her movement with the rhythem. If Wandinha wishes to express her emotions through music, then she will answer it with a dance.

The wingsuit operates by micro movements, controlled by hundreds of threads wrapped around the skintight outfit. As Chloe danced, her wings came alive, like an angel dancing in front of the city lights.

Both cellist and dancer began communicating in this new language, on and on, from cheerful to sadness, then cheerful again, taking Chloe's heart on a rollercoaster ride.

When the music grew epic it boiled her heart, freeing her pain and sorrow from the dark times. She was that little girl again, back in a world when everything was beautiful.

This is who you are! This is the true you! The music told her.

She danced until the rhythm died down, settling her heart and spirit, and put her to a stop. She was panting and blushing, like someone had just touched her deeply, turning on every sense in her body.

The cellist concluded her piece, put away her bow and cello, walked up to face her with those dark eyes, the smell of jasmine felt ever so strong.

With the sound of cello still playing in her head, Chloe felt intoxicated, so much a tear ran down her left eye. Wandinha cupped her face in both hands, wiped away the teardrop with her thumb, studying that beautiful face.

Then without a word, she pulled Chloe to her lips.

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