~Bonus Chapter~ Eyes says better than words

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{This is how everyone is sitting- Ashwatthama, Suhani, Duryodhana, Dushasan, Karna, Arjun, Subhadra, Krishna, Balram, Revati, Draupadi, Bhima, Yudhishthir,Sahadev, Nakul, Dhrishtadhyumna who was sitting next to Ashwatthama because he wanted to sit next to Suhani she went and sit between her brother and husband. They all are sitting in a large circle.}

"So we have eat these laddus without using our hands." Bhrata Bhima said

"And how will we do that?" Subhadra jiji asked confusedly

''wait wait wait I know how!" Dau said

"How Dau?" Kahna asked curiously

"Like this." Dau said and about to the laddu directly with mouth from the plate when I stopped him

"Dau wait! You can't eat like that." I told him

"Then how?" Draupadi jiji asked

"Like this." Bhrata Bhima said and took a laddu from the plate and hold it infront of Jiji's mouth.

"Open your mouth, Panchali." He said and jiji did he made jiji eat the laddu

"Ooo like this'' Dau said innocently making me laughed so do Kahna as well.

"Here we go then." Jiji said and do the same with Revati jiji who fed laddu to Dau, who fed Kahna, who fed Subhadra jiji, she turned around and looked at bhrata Arjun who was if I see right totally lost in her I was trying hard not to break their eyes contact but then again it's my right to do such things. So i decided to tease them.

"Jiji do you want to feed him or someone else?" I joked and kahna, bhrata Nakul, Bhrata Sahadev and Bhrata Bhima laughed

And then when the both love birds broke the eye contract and looked at me and give me glares, i chuckled and shook my head but didn't said anything. Then jiji fed bhrata Arjun who turned around to fed the next person who was Bhrata Karna there was a pause before he feed laddu to him that was kind an awkward moment, when Bhrata Karna took the laddu and feed Bhrata Dushasan, who feed bhrata Duryodhana and then bhrata Duryodhana took a laddu and looked at me with a smile on his face while I was grinning at him. He extended his hand and feed me with great love like that day. I have tears in my eyes so do he. I placed a kiss on his cheek as a thanks and passed him a cute and emotional smile recreating that memory for once again he blushed and looked down when bhrata Dushasan laughed graining a glare by bhrata Duryodhana everyone was also laughing some where suppressing their laughter but stop by Jyestha.


"Now Suhani feed Mitra Ashwatthama.'' bhrata Duryodhana said smirking at Ashwatthama who was still catching his breath from laughing which was actually the only thing I was looking at whole time but he stopped more likely to freeze as soon as bhrata Duryodhana said. I also felt my cheeks heated up because it's actually going to be my first time that I am feeding him something with my own hands.

"Suhani where are you lost feed him or you don't want to feed him?" Subhadra jiji said

"Why would she don't want to feed panchal Raj? Or do you want to feed someone else?" Bhrata Arjun joined her. I know they are just taking their revenge on me but Ashwatthama.....I know he will think I don't want to feed him but Dhrishtadhyumna. So i decided to speak at clear this misunderstanding.

"There is no one else i want to feed right now rather than Ashwatthama jiji and Bhrata." I told them and there was a teasing sound that took place i looked at Kahna who was the actually only person who knows what was going on between me and Ashwatthama He gives a proud smile because i don't let one more misunderstood took place between us.

"Ohhooo mitra now you have to eat the whole food by her hands!'' bhrata Duryodhana excitedly said

"Haan Jyestha is right!" Bhrata Dushasan chimed as well

"Perantu mitra I think a Laddu is enough." Ashwatthama excused well he is right i mean I will die for feeding him but right here infront of everyone, no. Absolutely not! That will be so awkward.

"Mitra i think mitra Ashwatthama is right you should let them eat by themselves and i think we all should also start, so Suhani feed a Ladu to mitra." Bhrata Karna said making me so relief. He must be not my real brother but i always felt so connected with him, he was always saves me just like Jyestha.

"Okay now feed him or i will eat all the laddus." Bhrata Bhima warn how was looking really hungry

I took the laddu and held it in front of Ashwatthama, he first looked at the laddu then me, there was eye contact between us which he didn't break, not even while eating the laddu. He eat it in one go which makes his mouth full because the laddu was big. He looks soo cute i really want to poke his cheeks but i control my emotions and continue to stare at him.

"Aacha now let's start eating!" Bhrata Bhima announced and about to dig in his food but cut off by Dau

"Wait Yuvraj Dhrishtadhyumna, Nakul, Sahadev, Bhima and Bhrata Yudhishthir is still left to be feed."

This caught everyone's attention and they looked at Dau then Ashwatthama and Dhrishtadhyumna. They were waiting for Ashwatthama to feed Dhrishtadhyumna so he could feed Bhrata Nakul. Ashwatthama grabbed a laddu and held it in front of Dhrishtadhyumna that was the time they both made eye contact and gave each other death glares like they would just kill each other by that. There was an awkward silence which no one was breaking because somewhere they knew what was going on between me, Ashwatthama and Dhrishtadhyumna not exactly I say but maybe they feel the tension. I decided to break that awkward situation while placing my one hand on Ashwatthama's hand which was placed next to mine. He came out from his world and looked at me the fire in his eyes was calmed by my deep ocean eyes. He looked at Dhrishtadhyumna and stuffed the laddu in his mouth on which he choked.

"Oh my god!" I said while bhrata Nakul patted Dhrishtadhyumna's back and jiji gave him water after few minutes he got normal and glare at Ashwatthama who was trying to suppress his laugh.

"Dhrishtadhyumna now feed Bhrata Nakul he is waiting." I said try to change the topic.

Dhrishtadhyumna looked at me and smiled then fed the laddu to bhrata who fed Laddu to bhrata Sahadev, who fed to Jyestha, who fed to bhrata Bhima who ate two laddus at once 'this Man really got some talent' I thought in my mind while looking at him with a bit wide eyes.

{ "I've tried so many times to think of a new way to say it - and it's still 'I love you." }

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