cogs in a machine

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The man was in shock as he watched the brunet leave the building. No wonder his face looked familiar.

That was the man who reported on the serial killer. On him. The man who made him go on his murder spree. The blond was exhilarated.

You see, for the longest time, Jack has absentmindedly tuned in on channel 6. There was something about the pivot that just drawed him in.

Maybe it is how composed and professional he looks while working. Maybe he wants to see that persona slowly crumble away under his touch. To see him beg, in such a desperate tone of voice; in complete juxtaposition of his calm, clear, and collected tone. Perhaps it's how he can still see the dark undereyes despite all that make-up. Or even how sickly sweet his chuckles are when a child answers in an interview.

"You're mine, Zach Herron." He mumbles, a grin spreads across his face, which slowly turns into a chuckle

Finally, he found out where he lives. Finally, they spoke. From now on, all their meetings will no longer be a coincidence.

Jack turns on the small monitor in his kitchen. The news is on. He grabs a knife from a hidden drawer and starts sharpening it.

Zach's voice brought him to attention as he spoke on the serial killer case. Jack studies his expression: furrowed eyebrows as if he is truly scared, a tight grip on the paper he holds.

Jack's lips form a smile. "You scared?" He chuckles. "Just between the two of us, I'd never kill you..." His fingertip traces the blade."...only if you broke my heart. But I know you don't have it in you, darling." His fingertip is bleeding a bright and bold crimson.

Jack sucks on his finger and hums. "I should bump into you on the street..."He starts tracing his own lips with his fingertip."...what shall I do to you?" He chuckles.

The blond turns on the volume of the television as he walks around his apartment, conjuring a plan.


"And we're off air!" Zach slowly goes lax in his chair and rubs his face in his hands.

"Don't look too down. Our date is tomorrow." Jonah swings by, suit clad and with a pink rose in his hands. "A pink rose for my date."

Zach doesn't like pink roses. They seem too...bland. He likes his roses bold:dark red and white. Two contrasting colours that go against all he is as a person. Love shouldn't be bland or passive.

Love should make you want to do cartwheels in the middle of the street. It should be an explosion of good feelings. Love should make you want to kill for them. It should make you want to live for those you love.

"Thanks, Jonah." He maintains his politeness as he doesn't want to set off the stronger man. Zach slowly gets up and walks to his dressing room along with the other ones in the studio.

"What, no thank you kiss ?" Jonah asks, a smirk on his features. Once again, he was trapping him.

Zach looks everywhere but him as he conjures a quick excuse. "We're at work, Jonah..." Before the taller man tries to trap him yet again, "...and I'm not one to kiss someone on the first date." He crosses his arms. It was as if he was trying to keep his heart in its cage as he defied the beast.

Jonah chuckles. "Fair enough. I see you want me to work hard for you." He rests his hand on the wall by Zach's head. "Don't put yourself so up high..." His other hand moves a few strands of hair out of Zach's face. "...or no one will ever reach you."

Zach quickly moves away from the way he has him trapped and chuckles nervously. "You know me..." He opens his dressing room and gets in, only leaving his head out. "Always making everything difficult." He closes the door and leans against it.

"How did you have the balls to do that, Zach?" He asks himself outloud as he grabs his his tie and loosens it.

He quickly decides that he should just grab his casual clothes and sprint the hell out of the studio as fast as he could. He is not letting Jonah catch him.

The brunet quickly stuffs everything in a bag, including his identification to get in the studio and opens the door, only to see Jonah leaning against the wall, waiting for him.

The brunet looks up. "Before I forget, we're going to a nice restaurant, so dress accordingly." Zach nods. "Do you want me to take you home?" He offers. A nice gesture for someone so cruel. Truly out of character.

"It's fine, I can just walk, the station is close to my place." Zach slowly moves away from that situation.

"I thought you were afraid of the killer... by refusing my ride is like you're... asking to be a victim." Jonah tries to twist his words.

"It's not that." Zach tries to clarify himself. "It's just that, I... "He hesitates."I want to go be alone with my thoughts for a bit, yeah." He grabs onto his bag with both hands. "I'm just... gonna go. See you tomorrow." Zach hurries out of the studio.

He fastens his pace as he moves past all kinds of drunk people. Zach bumps into someone, and his bag falls off his shoulder, making some of his things spill on the ground.

The man he bumped into quickly helps him gather his things. Zach looks up and sees the same man from earlier that day.

"You're -"He mumbles, still shocked.

"Small world, huh?" The man grabs the rose and a few of his belongings. "But, I guess we're even now. You helped me, and I help you." He hands him the rose.

Zach chuckles. "Really." He looks at the rose in the man's hand. It seemed much more beautiful and dainty when held in a gentle hand. He grabs it, letting his hand linger a bit more than he should've. "I don't think you told me your name."

"Jack, Jack Avery." He stretches his hand out after they stand up.

"Pleasure to meet you, Jack. I'm Zach."He introduces himself politely as he shakes his hand. "I'm sorry for bumping into you, I just got out of a really weird situation." His eyes widen as he realizes he's still holding Jack's hand. "Sorry about that, too." He lets it go.

Jack cracks a smile. "Uhm... I guess you have to make it up to me now." He chuckles. "Maybe we can get together for some coffee?" He proposes.

Zach was caught off guard. He was so...bold. "S-Sure!" He squeaks out, stuttering.

Jack chuckles yet again. "How about tomorrow at 9? Are you in the studio?" He asks, concerned. The first time someone was actually interested in him and what it works for him.

"N-No! It's fine at nine! I'm not doing the evening news, I'll just be in the office." He quickly explains himself.

The blond's eyebrows raise. "You're not doing the broadcast?" He enquires.

Zach nods. "I-I have a dinner scheduled. I can't really miss it." He clears his throat.

Jack smirks, watching him squirm under his presence, made him feel good. He decides to press where it hurts. "Like a date?"

The brunet's eyes widen and a blush adorns his features. "I-It's not like that! Well, it is a date, but I don't really-" He covers his mouth. "Sorry, I speak too much." He looks down.

"It's fine, but I do have to say that your date is pretty lucky." He hands him Zach's identification card that he uses to get in the studio. "to go out with you, I mean. You seem like you'd be a fun date." He smiles.

Zach feels his cheeks turning warmer by the second. "Thank you, Jack. You seem like a fun person to be around." He smiles.

The blond checks his wristwatch. "I gotta go, see you tomorrow at nine?" Zach nods and quickly widens his eyes.

"Let me give you my number so we can text."Jack happily hands him his phone. "Send me the address for tomorrow, okay?" Jack nods.

Zach smiles and bids his goodbyes to Jack, who walks in the opposite direction. The brunet could not get his smile out of his face.

Neither could Jack. "May all the cogs start turning."

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