losing pieces

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two weeks later.

After two long, exhaustive court sessions where accusations flew around, the juri finally reaches their verdict.

"Juri," the judge starts, "have you reached your verdict?" They question.

The elected representative stands up. "Yes, your honour." they clear their throat. "We find that Mr. Marais is guilty. The damages Mr. Marais did to Mr. Herron should be compensated. With complete unanimity, we validate Mr.Herron's request for a severance of six million dollars. The juri also agreed that Mr. Marais should attend mandatory sessions of correct workplace policy. "

Jack looks at Jonah, who is staring back blind with rage. His fists were white from the sheer strength he was exerting. Jonah just lost his bishop in a desperate attempt to move a knight.

A bishop is a minor piece, stacking only three points. It moves in the diagonal without jumping over intervening pieces.

Nonetheless, the game is far from over. For now, it is Jack's turn.

The judge nods. "Very well. The juri has spoken, and I frankly agree with the punishment. Mr. Marais, you're hereby sentenced to attend mandatory sessions of correct workplace behaviour, as well as paying six million dollars to Mr. Herron. Case dismissed." They slam the hammer twice.

Zach hugs Jack tightly. "We did it!" The curly head pecks his head lovingly.

From afar, Christina and Corbyn looked at the couple. Jack looks back just as intensely. Phase one was complete. Christina points at her wristwatch. Time is ticking.

Gabriela storms out of the courtroom when Jonah fires her on the stop but not before she pushes him. It's like Jonah did all the work for him. The rook tumbles on the board.

The rook piece, generally represented by a tower, is a major chess piece that allows the player to move vertically and horizontally across the board. It was truly a great loss to Jonah's army.

He looks back at Christina with a knowing smile. She nods as if she's silently saying "touché".

The pieces will keep tumbling down until Jack can make Jonah's line of defence completely vulnerable. Jonah's strong, yet multifaceted opening will be his downfall.

"Hey, let's go out to celebrate." Jack suggests. The brunet nods excitedly.

Zach lays in bed, breathless. Jack leans on his chest, a satisfied expression on his face. He presses a loving kiss to his naked sternum.

"I've been missing out on a lot of things." Zach says with a big smile on his face.

The curly head nods."You're catching up just fine." The two giggle in a post-haze relaxation.

"You seriously need to stop looking so hot in court." He whines. "It's really unfair how hot you look putting people in their places." Zach pulls him up for a kiss. Their mouths move in sync as they slowly turn it more intense.

Jack's phone starts ringing. He grabs it and picks it up without bothering to check who's calling. Zach places one last kiss on his pulse point.

"Hello? Avery speaking." He says quietly.

"Jack Robert Avery, is that any way of speaking to your mother?" Her scream was heard clearly through the phone.

Jack sits up in a flash. "Mom! What's up?" He chuckles nervously. Zach covers his mouth as he laughs.

"Did you actually forget? That charity dinner we're having next week? Rings any bells?" Her loud voice echoes throughout the bedroom.

He groans as he rubs his face. "I didn't, mom. I've been busy, you know how it is."

"I spoke with Gabriela's father. You're accompanying her -" She stops speaking when he chuckles humourlessly.

"If anything, I'm going with my boyfriend." He remains firm. "And Gabriela doesn't want anything to do with me after today."

"I'm coming over this weekend to meet your little boyfriend then. I'll be the one judging whether you're taking him to the gala or not." With that, she hangs up the phone.

Jack plops his phone on his nightstand and lays back down. He sighs. "Well, it was bound to happen."

"She seems... assertive." Zach comments as he pulls the covers up to accommodate Jack's figure.

"You have no idea." Jack groans, annoyed as he makes home of his chest. Zach tucks him in carefully.

"Well... tell me about her..." He tries to hold in his laughter. "Robert."

Jack looks at him, a look of betrayal on his face. "You hate me. You actually hate me." Zach laughs loudly, and Jack quickly follows him.

Once they calm down, Zach kisses his head and tells him that he's actually serious about wanting to know more about her.

"She's the family's matriarch, and she's a Stanford, not an Avery. She doesn't like getting flowers because she says flowers are for dead people." He hums, thinking of more things. "I'm hoping you don't meet my sisters as well."

"You have sisters? As in plural? You have two sisters?" Zach can feel the anxiety slowly spreading over his chest.

"Three, actually." He says, matter-of-factly.

He looks at him wide-eyed. "What if they all hate me?" He whines, thinking about the worst-case scenario.

His mind is already conjuring all the embarrassing moments of his life to remind him how he'll probably mess up.

Jack cups his face and smiles softly."They won't. You're the sweetest person to ever exist." He pecks him."Plus, they're cool." He shrugs.

"Jack, I mean it... Do I need to bring my diplomas with me?" He asks, breaking into a fit of laughter afterwards. "Should I, though?" He turns serious.

It's Jack's turn to chuckle. "Do you want me to introduce you as Doctor Zach Herron?" He teases.

Zach hides his face under the covers. "Just Zach is fine." His voice was muffled.

Jack hums. "What about I introduce you as my sweet and darling boyfriend?" He teases further.

The brunet pulls the covers down to his eyes. Big honey eyes inspecting his every move. Jack continues as he moves to hover over him: "How about my beloved and kind man?" He kisses him with every compliment. "My beautiful, eloquent lover?" The praise was about to become too much, Zach had to do something about it.

He pecks him. "What if I introduce myself as just a guy who happens to like you very much and wants to kiss you all the time?"

Jack smiles. "Uhm... How about I introduce you as the single cause for global warming?" He starts kissing his neck.

Zach chuckles at the stupid joke but decides to tease him back. "I know that's supposed to be a pickup like, but global warming has -" Jack shuts him up with a kiss.

"Just be sappy with him for a second, baby..."

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