great idea

14 2 0

sexual content ahead

Once the long emission was over, the two went to Jack's House.

Zach throws himself onto Jack's bed face first. Both were already in their pajamas, ready for bed. And by pyjamas I mean a t-shirt for Zach and sweatpants for Jack. The curly head chuckles and grabs him by his ankles, and pulls him down the side of the bed.

The brunet turns around and yawns. "Someone's tired." Jack comments between cheek kisses.

Zach turns his face and puckers his lips. Jack kisses him. He hums, content, and rests his hands on his shoulders, prolonging the kiss. Their rhythm is languid and light.

Jack moves his body in such a way that he hovers over his boyfriend. Their rhythm slowly becomes faster and heated. Zach moves his hands to the back of his neck and starts pulling Jack closer. They part the kiss breathless.

Zach shyly opens his legs as if he is silently letting Jack move closer. The curly head slots himself between his glorious legs and reconnects their lips in a rough way. The brunet replies with the same intensity and gasps for air when Jack moves to his neck. They've done this several times, with both ending up having to conceal their necks with make-up.

However, there is something about the way Zach's hands explored his body that just set Jack on fire. He reciprocates the fleeting touches as his mouth abuses the sensitive junction between his neck and collars. He feels him hold his breath and exhale a downright dirty moan.

Jack feels his leg move, and his heel presses his pelvis against his. Both groan at the contact; Zach cups his face and licks his own lips. He could feel his shaky hands, but his eyes were filled with lust. He crashes their lips again.

The curly head's left hand goes under his shirt, and his index finger draws patterns into his ribs. He feels a foreign hand grab his own from under the shirt and push it lower. Jack parts the kiss. "Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I just..." He looks away before confessing. "...thought you looked really hot in court -" Jack chuckles and kisses his cheek.

"And now you want me to touch you?" He pouts, feigning innocence. Zach nods slowly as his eyes look back at him. "Where do you want me to touch you?"Zach tries to tug his hand towards the exact spot, but Jack wouldn't budge. "Words, darling." He requests.

The curly head moves his focus to his torso, and Zach follows him. He watches as his hand pulls his shirt up and grazes unmarked territory. Jack basks in the choked little intake of breath he gasps every time his index finger teases over the waistband of his briefs. He looks back at his lover and pouts again."I can't help you if you don't tell me what you want."

The brunet swallows his shame, and, as he looks away, he says : "I want you to help me get off." As soon as he finishes the sentence, Jack pulls him more to the middle of the bed and slides down his body, making sure to suck a lovebite into his stomach.

"How so?" His fingertip grazes his length up and down. He feels Zach's legs close on his torso. His briefs were soaking wet by now. "With my hand?" He asks. Jack lowers his head and his lips ghost over his clothed shaft. "Maybe my mouth?"

Zach pulls him back up by his hair and crashes their lips together. Jack makes a point to roll his hips towards him to tease him further. The brunet groans into the kiss.

"Say it." He whispers.

"I want to touch you too then."Zach mutters back as his hand slides down his torso. He feels Jack's abdomen tense, and his hair rises up to his touch. His fingers graze the waist band of his sweatpants.

Jack smirks, breathing unstable. "I have a great idea then." He pecks him and hooks his fingers on his briefs, waiting.

"Yes, Jack, God yes." He sighs. Jack pecks him and lowers his briefs until it no longer hinders him. He then, in one swift motion, lowers both his sweatpants and briefs.

Zach's breath hitches as his eyes focus on the obvious. Jack grabs both shafts with one hand and starts stroking slowly. It was fluid as Zach provided enough pre-cum to lubricate it.

The brunet couldn't look away, Jack towered him in every aspect. He was sure it reached his belly button. Jack was so warm against him. He wrapped his hand over Jack's and made him move faster.

Zach holds falters when Jack thumbs at his slit, spreading more pre-cum. The curly head makes him hold on as they both let out hushed sounds of pleasure. Jack starts fucking their hands as he groans. "Fuck baby, you look so fucking pretty like that." He praises him.

Zach looked absolutely debauched. It was Jack who was practically doing all the work as he laid there and bit back his moans. The curly head moves closer to his ear as his hand fastens even more. "How does it feel? I can barely hear you." He teases him, in hopes of hearing him more.

Zach holds onto his arm with his free hand as he tries to formulate words with his open mouth. "Feels-" He cuts himself off with a gasp. "- so fucking good!" He finally let's out a loud moan. Jack smiles as he finally let's out his voice. "I'm gonna-" Once more he cuts himself off with a sharp intake of breath as his eyes roll to the back of his head.

He unravels himself in Jack's hand, thick ropes spluttering out of him. The curly head finishes himself off too and rides both their orgasms.

As Zach's endorphins and adrenaline go down, he grows cold. A shiver runs over him. Jack, who was cleaning them up with tissues, notices it. "Are you cold?" He nods.

The curly head hurries to clean them with a warm cloth and throws him a clean pair of briefs. Once he's done, he pulls him to his chest to warm him up.

He kisses his forehead lovingly. "You did great." Jack praises and looks down only to see him with his eyes closed.

"You did most of the work." He mumbles and hides his face on the crook of his neck.

Jack chuckles as his hand draws patterns on his arm. "I don't mind. It's your first time, I want it to be special." He confesses. "And it's really cute to watch you squirm." Jack teases.

Zach lightly hits his chest, his face still hidden. "Don't be mean!" He whines. "It's really embarrassing!"

The curly head laughs and pecks his head. "And I'm proud of you for looking past your embarrassment." He praises.

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