the sicilian defense

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two weeks later.

The new couple was closer than ever. Constantly sleeping over at each other's homes, sharing meals, and keeping each other company. It is truly a honeymoon phase. Such an innocent phase of a relationship where everything is smooth sailing. They treated each other with respect but still fooled around like teens in the comfort of their beds.

The court doors open, and Jack gets in, followed by Zach. He sets his briefcase on the table and awaits orders.

An officer announces their case. "This is case 63324, Herron v Marais."

The judges sign Jack to speak. "My defendant is suing Mr. Marais for harassment in the workplace, as well as intimidation and aggression." He hands a case to an officer who hands it to the judge. "May I approach, your honour?"

Jack whispers something to the judge to which they reply: "well, if you believe it doesn't impair your judgement... I'll allow it."

"How does the defendant plead?" The judge asks, seemingly uninterested.

"No guilty, your honour." Zach furrows his eyebrows.

Jonah starts their chess match. White pawn to C4. Also known as The English Opening.

It's a play that opens an array of possibilities for the white pieces. Its versatility allows the player to steer the black pieces to uncharted territory.

"Mr. Avery, I see no police report for the aggression, so I'll have to dismiss it." She sighs. Jack nods.

"The pictures are there to further highlight the harassment and shame my client went through."

Jonah's lawyer scoffs. "Your honour, Mr. Avery is refusing an agreement and is bringing out absurd things to incriminate my client."

"There's also a recorded conversation between Mr. Jonah Marais, Mr. Timothy Marais and my client in which he is coerced into going out of the country." Jack looks over that Zach, who nods. "Your honour, Mr. Marais is a very powerful man, I think a warrant could be issued, and we could reach an agreement about the indemnization. "

Jack continues their little chess game. Black pawn to C5-The Sicilian defence.

This chess opening is a classical choice among aggressive players. The player with the black pieces accepts an early pawn imbalance for active piece play and counterattacking opportunities. It's the perfect opening for those who actively want to create imbalance and tactical complications.

The judge nods, taking in his words. "How much does your client want?"

"That would be half a million dollars for the nonstop harassment, as well as a million dollars for intimidation. As for coercing him , my client wants five million. Finally, we want a restraining order against Mr.Marais."

"Your honour," the other attorney starts. "Mr.Herron and my client work together. A restraining order feels like overkill."

"Mr. Marais' work can be done remotely, and it has been done remotely when he went on a business trip last year. Page sixty of my case, my colleague clearly didn't read through it, your honour." His tone was venomous.

"He is right, Ms. Gonzalez. It's very explicit in his report." She slams the hammer twice."This lawsuit shall go to trial. Please prepare yourselves accordingly. I'm setting Mr. Marais's bail at five million dollars as it's possible Mr Marais tries to flee the country." She looks at Jonah. " Hand your passport to the closest precinct. You can not get within 100 meters of Mr. Herron or the law enforcement will take action, understood?"

Jonah nods.

"Meeting adjorned. Dismissed." Jack packs his briefcase as he's approached by Jonah's attorney.

"Long time no see, Jack." She starts. Zach looks between them. There's some sort of unresolved tension floating between them.

"Gabriela." He acknowledges her. The brunet looks at her. She was wearing a grey blazer with a black pencil skirt that accentuated her figure. Her hair was long and loose. "Let's go, Zach." He mutters. The brunet gets up and follows Jack like a lost puppy.

The woman raises her tone. "I won't let you win this case."

Jack stops and looks back. "No need to hold back. I'll still win." A cocky grin gets comfortable in his lips. He grabs Zach's hand and leads him out of the building.

"You two know each other?" Zach asks. "She's so pretty..." He comments.

Jack sighs. "She's my rival." He merely says. "We met in Law School." He says quietly. "Fooled around a few times and started at rival firms. She used to win cases against me and my senior." He looks back at Zach. "Then, one day, I built a bulletproof case and went against her head on. It was like something clicked in me." He confesses.

Zach nods. "What was the case about?"

"A lawsuit, actually. She was representing an ambassador... and she thought that he would have immunity. I kept making requests to lift the immunity, and after a while, they did. He's been exiled for treason, attempted terrorism and harassment."

"I remember that case. I was still an intern when they talked about it."

Jack looks down. "I wouldn't have won if Gabriela hadn't told me about his bank receipts." He looks back at Zach. "So I can see that Jonah's move to hire her was to purposely throw me off my game." He was seemingly thinking out loud.

He grabs his hands. "We're about to go through hell and back." He looks at him dead serious. "I can't have you waver, or it'll cost us the case." Zach nods. "Even if what we do doesn't seem legal, I need your full trust in me. All it takes is one second."

"I appreciate your honesty, Jack." He squeezes his hands, and the curly head looks at him. Zach had an unrecognisable look in his eyes. "But he's not getting away from me that easily."

Jack nods. "C'mon, I wanna watch you live."

Zach's eyes quickly gain life. He clears his throat and straightens his back.  Good afternoon, Mr. Avery. I'm Zach Herron, and I'm reporting to you live from New York."

Jack breaks into a fit of laughter as they get to the car.

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