taking care of you

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sexual content ahead

Zach finishes the broadcast and leans back on this chair. Someone turns his chair and kisses him. The brunet smiles. "Hey, honey." He opens his eyes and looks at his lover.

Jack was wearing casual clothes. "Hey baby." He greets back.

Zach stands up and stretches his back."Let's go home, I wanna get out of these clothes."

His lover nods, and the two walk to his dressing room. Jack closes the door and walks up behind his boyfriend, who is removing the make-up from his face. He kisses the back of his neck, making him freeze.

"Uhm... a new soft spot?" He teases as he starts abusing his skin. Zach hums as he leans over the vanity. Jack pins him to it as he makes those lovely sounds.

Zach turns his face to the side, and he starts kissing him roughly. Jack's hand goes to his neck, to loosen his tie, and slowly descends as he unbuttoned his dress shirt. Zach grinds against him, not wanting to get behind. Jack grabs him by the neck, and the brunet forces him to squeeze. It's a new thing they've been trying.

Jack releases his hold when he taps his hand twice. Zach breathes heavily into the kiss. Finally, he turns to him and wraps one leg around Jack. Both sigh heavily into the kiss. The curly head picks him up and sets him on the vanity. He then stuffs his hands in his unbuttoned shirt and touches his lover to his heart's content.

Jack moves to his neck and lightly bites him. He moans softly. "We can't - in here - " He tries to warn him, but his hands are working wonders. Especially his right hand that was touching him oh, so perfectly. Right where he ached for him.

"I locked the door. It's just us." He reassures as his hands move to unbuckle his belt. He keeps abusing his neck and collarbones with bites and hickeys.  Zach could only moan as he's treated with such attention.

"Jack..." He starts, sighing heavily as he grabs onto his lover's hair. "I want you so bad, baby." He begs so prettily that Jack wants to lock him in a little jar forever just so he could hear him beg like that. "Please, honey." He pouts. "You've been so busy..." His finger traces his own torso, slowly descending towards his abdomen. Jack follows his every move with undivided attention. "...that I had to take care of myself." He confesses, his finger going slightly under the navel of his briefs.

It seriously takes everything in Jack to not ruin him right then and there. He pouts as well, grabbing him by the neck with one hand and undoing his pants with the other one. "I bet my darling boyfriend was so needy." His tone is so innocent and worried that Zach can only nod. "No one to take care of him." He sighs like he was feeling bad for him.

"Do you want me to take care of you?" Jack asks, asking for his consent. Zach hums affirmatively.  "Then turn to the mirror again, darling. Can you do that?" His voice was sweet like honey when commanding him. Who would refuse a request from him when he asks so nicely.

Zach moves out of the vanity and bends over it, making sure to tease his boyfriend. Whoever says he's innocent is dead wrong. There's nothing innocent in those brown eyes of his. And Jack loves it.

He stuffs his hand in his pants and starts stroking him. The brunet turns into absolute putty with his touch. His legs buckle when he thumbs his slit. Jack grabs his jaw and forces him to look in the mirror. "Look how fucking pretty you look when I take care of you."He grins when his lover moans at the sight. "Uhm... maybe I should take extra care of you." He teases.

Jack lets go of him and kneels behind him. He pulls his pants and briefs down and spreads his cheeks. He dives in tongue first, earning a surprised gasp from his lover. Because they have no lube, this will have to do.

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