catching up

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It all started a few weeks later. Zach was casually working on his desk when he got a call from an unknown number. He hesitantly picked it up.


"Zach?" He could recognise that tone from a mile away. It's a tone that only parental figures have. One of authority and eternal connection. Because they have a bond, an unbreakable one at that. "Listen, before you hang up... I want to talk to you."

"You made it quite clear that you didn't want anything to do with me when you kicked me out." His words were like knives. Sharp and hurtful.

"I know that what I did was wrong... and I want to get to know you. Zach, I -"

"You could've done that without hurting me." He interrupts him. "Do you have any idea of how much I suffered?" He chuckles humourlessly. "You don't. You're a self-centered asshole who only cares about making a good impression. Look where that got you." He scoffs.

"I know, okay? I fucked up." Josh intervenes. "I... Zach, I want to apologise. I want to -"

"Did anyone send you? Really fucking rich coming from you when I'm two days away from taking over the company."

"What? Zach, you're not making any sense."

The brunet pauses. "Wait, you actually want to fix things?" His eyebrows raise.

"Yeah. That's why I called. I want to... catch up."

The brunet looks genuinely confused. He clears his throat. "We should talk in private... I leave in an hour... do you want to maybe come to my apartment?" He suggests.

"Yeah. I'd like that."


And that's where they stand now. With two mugs filled to the brim with tea, biscuits on the centrepiece, and an unresolved tension floating in the air.

Josh breaks the silence. "So... you live here with Jack?" He asks as he looks around.

"Yeah, I do. We moved in together recently." He answers.

"How... uh, how has it been? It's a big step." He acknowledges.

"It... it feels right." He smiles softly. "We decorated it together and... Jack's always really sweet. "His eyes focus on the burgundy rose on the centrepiece.

"Does... does he treat you well?"

Zach nods. "He treats me too well at times. Always bringing me flowers and making sure I'm eating enough. He even makes me breakfast every morning." He smiles as his finger traces the mug.

"That's good." He nods and sips on the tea.

The two sit in awkward silence. Zach breaks it. "Can we just... talk about the elephant in the room?" He asks.

Josh nods. "I was a shit father. I still think I am." He confesses. "I didn't quite understand why, or how... but seeing you with Jack makes me see things from a different perspective." He pauses. "He makes you happy despite being a man. He treats you well and respects you... and that's all a parent wants for their kid."

Zach nods. "I'm more than Jack, you know?"

"I do... that's why I'm here. I want to know you." He looks down. "It's okay if you don't call me dad. I just... want to know my boy."

Zach hands him a napkin. A small smile adorned his sweet features. He looks just like his mom for a split second. "I'm a grown man now."

Josh chuckles. "You'll always be my boy." He rests his hand on top of Zachs. "So please, let me in your life."

The front door opens. "My darling, I'm home!" Zach smiles widely.

"In the living room!" He yells back.

His boyfriend walks in, back home from work, an excited smile on his face to see his darling boyfriend. Jack pauses when  he sees Josh.

"Hi, honey. "Zach greets, a small smile on his face. He then puckers his lips. The curly head hesitantly pecks him and greets him sweetly.

Jack shakes Josh's hand. "Mr. Herron." He acknowledges him. "I didn't know you'd be here." He smiles awkwardly.

"Zach, darling, do you need anything? More cookies?" Jack asks, ever so worried.

"It's fine... do you want to sit with us? We were just about to catch up."

"Are you sure? Maybe I should leave you two alone..." Jack feels him squeeze his hand and looks into his pleading eyes. He sits down and squeezes his hand back, reassuring him.

Josh scratches the back of his head. "You were saying you were taking over a company on our call?" He enquires, trying to the awkward vibe to go away.

Zach nods. "I bought most of channel six's stock after the scandal with Jonah... and now I own a major part of the company."

"That sure is something to be proud of." He smiles. His son was always so smart.

"I wouldn't have done it without Jack. I owe him everything."

"Please, honey, you credit me too much." Jack says sweetly. "It was all you." He smiles softly as he looks at him.

Josh can see just how much love he's pouring into his look. He is truly enamoured by his son. And that comforts him. To know that despite everything, Jack is there and loves with deeply.

Zach turns to his father. "So yeah, I'm the new C.E.O. of channel six... it'll be hard to make fit, but I know I won't be alone." He holds Jack's hand.

The man nods. "Well, if you ever need my help, I'm here." His availability seems so genuine. Josh looks at his son and gains the courage to say something he should've said a long time ago. "I know I'm a few years late, but I'm sorry, son. You deserved better."

The brunet looks at his father and at Jack. He smiles softly before furrowing his eyebrows and swallowing in dry. He looks down and tries to blink away the tears that start forming, but to no avail. The damn had broken loose. Zach tries to wipe away his tears, but more keep rolling down.

Jack looks at him worriedly and comforts him. Josh is quick to hand him some tissues. He cries even harder. He has waited too long to hear those words. Josh feels himself cry as well. Zach sobs into his lover's shoulder as those words settle in his chest. He feels like he can truly and utterly be himself. To hear such a genuine apology was necessary for him to grow. Even if he doesn't accept his apology.

The curly head kisses his head as he tries to calm him down. Once Zach parts the hug, he looks at his father. He takes a few deep breaths. "H-How's mom?" He tries to smile through hot tears.

Josh breathes shakily and smiles. "She's doing just fine. She must be picking Reese up by now."

Zach breaks into sobs yet again. It had been too long. He missed his siblings growing up. He wasn't there for them growing up, and that, too, breaks his heart. "A-And Ryan?" He dares asking.

"Studying Psychology at NYU."

The brunet smiles, taking in his words. "I'm so proud." He manages to get out. Jack, too, let out a few tears. How could he not?

Josh swallows his pride and holds his son's hand. "H-Have dinner with us st out place. When are you two free?"

It's Jack who answers. "Saturday works for us." He smiles. Seeing him make an effort to include his son, to make up for lost time.

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