i will wait for you

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Zach gets in his cubicle while humming a little song. He sets down his coat and checks his phone.

that wasn't fair

if i take you on
a second date,
will you kiss me?

Zach chuckles and quickly types an answer.

who knows?

He sets his phone down as he knows Jack will take a long time to answer. He briefly wonders whether Jack's personality alters when he's in court. Is he harsh? Cocky? Ruthless? Is he calculated? Does he take risks?

"Earth to Zach?" Daniel waves a hand in front of him. The brunet breaks out of his reverie. "The big boss wants to see you." Zach swallows in dry.

"Tim?" He cringes at the answer, expecting Daniel to be fully joking. The blond nods.

"Good luck with that, buddy." He pats his shoulder.

Zach makes his way to the top floor of the studio. If one thought Jonah was scary, Tim was far scarier. He owns the channel. He senses that something is about to go terribly wrong. Just in case, he starts recording their voices.

He knocks on his door, and a faint 'come in' resonates from the other side. Zach opens the door and sees Tim alongside Jonah.

"Zach, thank you for coming." Tim starts. "As you know, you're quite the asset for our team. You're always incredibly professional, and the audience loves you."

Zach looks between them nervously. Jonah continues the conversation. A But is definitely coming."But, I fear you're losing your touch with the audience. I spoke with my father, and, after agreeing to null the letter I gave you yesterday, we thought that you should be a reporter... around the world." Jonah smiles.

The brunet looks apaled. "Excuse me?"

Tim chuckles. "We want you to report for us from around the world. Obviously, all expenses will be paid, and you'll get a risk compensation fee." He inspects Zach's shocked state. "But just for a year, son. Maybe you'll get your touch back."

Zach gulps. "And it's mandatory?"

Both powerful men chuckle. "Unless you quit right now... however, I wouldn't advise you to do that." Jonah smirks as his father breaks the news. "It would be a shame if the other outlets knew you're manipulating your boss with a lawsuit." His tone was grim. Like he was setting his destiny in stone.

Zach inhales and exhales slowly. A warm smile spreads on his lips. "What an amazing opportunity you're giving me, Mr. Marais. I won't let you down. Thank you."

Jonah furrows his eyebrows. "You're supposed to be mad. What about your little boyfriend?"

Zach crosses his arms. "Mr.Marais, this will be a great investment for my career. I just wish it didn't come from such circumstances." Such a sickly sweet tone for such harsh words.

Tim slams his fists on the table. Bad temperament seems to run in the family."If you try anything, I'll make sure I'll ruin every chance you have of getting a job in the world! You hear me!? I'll drag your name through the mud without even so as lifting a finger!"

Zach looks down and nods. "Yes, sir."

"Leave. Your flight is tomorrow. You're being replaced tonight. Dismissed."

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