dont be a fool

15 2 1

Jack gets in court with a heavy ream of paper in his hands. Zach behind him carrying one ream as well.

The curly head is wearing a black three piece suit paired with a striped shirt and a black tie. His dress shoes were equally black and polished. He wasn't wearing contacts, but glasses. He can tell it's going to be a long hearing. Jack knows his mother will do whatever she can do either delay the trial or fuck them over.

Christina follows Zach wearing a black blazer and black suit pants. Her heels clicking echoed throughout the courtroom.

Kristin gets in court as well, she was wearing a white blazer with navy blue dress pants. In the fashion of the next great white hope, she greets both lawyers with tremendous respect and politeness. As if Jack couldn't see the sliver of pure mischief in his mother's eyes. Two men carried in the reams for her. She sets her purse on the table and takes off her glasses.

The court quickly fills up with reporters, and Zach makes sure he sits down behind Jack, just as requested. Christina shares a look with Jack. "Who are those?" She asks, pointing at two big men.

"Bodyguards. She hires them when the case is big." He explains. "If Jonah gets convicted, we will all become a target."

Christina nods. "I'm fully aware of that. We'll practically destroy the channel." She sits down and ties her hair up.

Jack's eyes to go his lover and back to her. "I'd say we are taking out the trash."

"All rise!" Everyone stands up and stands to attention as the judge enters the courtroom. Once he's seated, everyone sits down. Christina cracks her neck and her fingers.

Strangely enough, no Jonah. They must be saving him for the afternoon.

It starts off pretty well with detectives going on the stand to leave their testimony as Christina throughly asks all the right questions. Kristin's cross investigation found itself to be fruitless.

Corbyn goes to the stand and swears that he'll tell the truth, and nothing but the truth or so help him God.

Christina stands up and walks up to him. "Lieutenant Besson, take us back to the night where they found the victim's dead body." Quite a simple question. Asked several times already.

"I got a call at around five in the morning about a body being found. I was at the scene at about five thirty, and I helped my detectives on the scene, as usual."

"Would you please describe the injuries the victim sustained?"

"The victim had a stab wound of around five centimetres under her chin, and another wound in between her ribs, making contact with her heart." He does the motion to achieve full comprehension.

"Still five centimetres?" She asks.

"Yes, the forensics report is sure the murderer used the same knife." He clarifies.

"Lieutenant Besson, why are we here then?" She turns to the juri.

"We found two strands of hair in the victim. One under a fingernail, and one under the first stab wound. We then matched the hair according to everyone we have in our database. Mr. Marais, the defendant, came up."

"And why is the defendant's name on your database?" She questions.

"Objection, relevance?" Kristin asks.

"Your honour, two months prior to this, the defendant was sued for improper work conduct as well as harassment. Asking this question would explain why the defendant's name is on the database." Christina argues.

"Overruled, proceed."

"The defendant has his name on the database due to a pior incident. It's standard procedure." Corbyn clarifies. "Even if he didn't report it, we're still obliged to have his criminal record."

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