counting stars

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Zach slowly opens his eyes as a sunbeam hits his face just right. He turns to the other side and sees Jack's sleeping figure. He is facing him, still deeply asleep. the brunet takes this to see how their year apart treated him.

His short blond hair is now brown and curly. He looks more mature with his natural hair colour. His eyebrows are fluffy and relaxed. His oh, so long eyelashes rest in the top of his cheeks contrasting so nicely against his freckled face. Zach ponders about counting each and every single one of them but gives up as it would be the same as counting all the stars in the sky. Endless. Both of his nostrils are now pierced, which adds some spunk to his always professional and put together look.

Zach raises his hand and allows his fingertips to touch ever so gently the pink of his lips. They're soft to the touch. He goes over his lip lines with his index finger and allows it to dip slightly on his cupid's bow.

He feels some eyes burning into him, so he looks back at up Jack's eyes. He was staring almost too intensely for someone who just woke up. Zach tries to move his hand away, but he grabs it before he can and places it on his cheek.

Jack smiles. "This is very unfair. You look too cute, and I can't even kiss you." His smile turns into a pout.

Zach feels himself burning up to his words. "Morning breath." He shrugs just as playfully as Jack. The curly head groans deep in his throat and pulls him closer to his chest.

"I can sue you for torturing me." Jack chuckles as he caresses his back.

The brunet laughs as well. "You wouldn't, I'm too pretty to be sued." He throws, as if he was waiting for Jack to answer back.

"Can't argue with that. You win, case closed." They chuckle. Jack sits up on the bed and runs his hands through his hair as the stretches.

Zach swallows his saliva as he looks at his body. Tattooed and firm under a soft, healthy fat. "I'll make us some breakfast... do you want to shower?"He asks as he moves to put on his glasses.

The brunet nods as he too sits up. The shirt frames his figure nicely. "You can go first. It's your place."He says matter-of-factly.

Jack fights the urge to kiss him to death. "I can always shower later." He offers.

Zach shakes his head. "I insist, I'll go after you." He pokes Jack's shoulder. "That way, breakfast can be served when I come back from the shower."

Jack shakes his head as a smile makes his way to his face. "Fair enough." He points at his closet. "You have full access to it." He gets up and makes his way to his ensuit bathroom and closes the door.

Zach carefully gets up and makes his way to his closet. It was big, filled with suits and dress shoes. It had dressers for jewellery, belts, wristwatches, earrings, cufflinks-everything to show how powerful he truly is. He completely loses track of time in the closet, so he jumps when he sees Jack in the closet as well.

He only had a towel hanging dangerously low on his body, displaying his happy trail nearly to his full extent. Droplets of water slowly made his way down his body. "Need help finding anything?" He walks over to him and hands him a pair of briefs.

Zach shakes his head."You just helped me." He chuckles, trying to keep his eyes on his face. But when Jack fixes his towel to cling onto him, the brunet's eyes skim down his body. He's only human. You'd do the same! He'd argue.

"How's coffee and some toast for breakfast? I'll make sure to add extra butter." He offers. The brunet nods excitedly.

Jack chuckles and moves so Zach can go shower.He gets in the well lit bathroom and sees a toothbrush on the counter waiting for him. He knows it's for him as Jack's is resting on a cup.

Once the brunet is done, he sets the toothbrush next to Jack's, and he steps out of the bathroom only to quickly put on some clothes. He leaves the bedroom and tries to navigate around Jack's place. Eventually, he finds the kitchen.

It was matte dark blue with details in wood. The epitome of classy and timeless. His eyes stop at Jack. He is now wearing a white dress shirt paired with navy blue dress pants and a brown leather belt. His sleeves are rolled up as he carefully butters the toast up.

He turns around, and Zach is about to faint. He had only buttoned up a few buttons, and his chest is on full display. He is wearing a simple silver necklace, yet it adds so much to his current state. "Toast is ready. Coffee is coming right up." He sets the plate on the island's counter.

Zach thanks him and takes a bite out of the toast. The butter was just right. Jack sets a white mug in front of him. "Freshly brewed. The coffee grounds are from Arabia." He smiles as he sets some sugar next to him.

Jack sets his own mug next to his. Zach hums at the sweet aroma of coffee. "Colombia has amazing coffee, but this one is just spectacular." He comments as he licks his lips.

"How's the toast?" He asks right before he steals a piece. "And the butter? Is it enough?"

Zach nods as he, too, takes a bite. "It's exactly how I love it." He reassures. They eat in a comfortable silence.

Both were expecting to be a bit awkward between the two of them, but from the looks of it, they're still on the same page.

"Are you doing the broadcast tonight?" Jack asks quietly. He nods. "Great, I'll definitely tune in then."

They smile, and for a minute, they bask in the peacefulness of Jack's apartment and the scent of coffee that lingers in the air.

It is Zach who breaks the silence as he finishes his coffee. "If I sue them today, how fast can we get a trial? Two months?" He asks.

Jack leans on his counter. "I can pull some strings and fast track it. They might try to reach an agreement and compensate you with money."

"And if I don't want to reach an agreement?" He enquires.

"Then we'll go to court, and we'll build a case around him." Jack looks at him. "You know, there's something about your boss that doesn't sit right with me." He comments. It's as if he is implying something specific. Something that will make him question his words.

"Yeah..." He agrees. "I can ask Dani to ask Corbyn to keep an eye on him." His finger outlines the mug. "Jonah can be really cunning and persuasive. "

Jack nods. "Like he has a big secret to hide or something." Zach leans back as if he is looking with an outside perspective.

"I think we should go forward with the lawsuit and see if Corbyn finds anything else on Jonah." He points at him. "And get a restraining order and an impossible bail!" He says cutely.

Jack tries his best to look serious. "I'll set it at one gazillion dollars."

Zach giggles a hearty, sweet laugh. "Make it two gazillion dollars, and you have a deal!"

Jack stretches his hand, and they shake on it.

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