not only to beg, but to bow

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Daniel stands up to print out some papers when a man walks into the studio. He looks at him and feels such a dark aura around him. The man was wearing a black suit with a white dress shirt and a long trench-coat over his shoulders.

A pair of sunglasses rests on his head. In his hands, there's a single blood red rose. The man turns to Daniel." Hey, would you mind telling me where Zach is?"

The taller blond points at Zach's desk, where the brunet was typing away the last details before the emission. He nods and walks towards him.

Jack turns Zach around, who looks pissed, but it quickly disappears from his features as he registers the fact that Jack is standing in front of him. The guilt flows into his stomach as the blond moves closer to his face.

"Hey there, pretty boy." He smirks as he hands him the rose. He sees the brunet's red face and stands straight, towering over him. "Cat got your tongue?" He stuffs his hands in his pockets. "Or did you forget I was coming over?"

Zach shakes his head as his face turns red. "Just a lot on my mind." He doesn't dare look up. However, predicting that, Jack lifts his head by hooking a finger under his chin.

Daniel comes back from the printer. "Zach, who's this?"

The blond turns to Daniel and hands him one of his cards. "Jack, also known as his boyfriend." He inspects his card.

Daniel's eyes suddenly widen. "Holy shit! You're that kid who sent that ambassador to jail!" He points at him, then it dawns on him. "You're his what?" He squeaks out.

"Zach! time to get ready!" His makeup artist calls him. The brunet stands up and tries to escape the scene.

Keyword: tries. Jack sat him back down. "Are you going to explain? Or do you want me to explain?" He raises an eyebrow.

Zach feels another wave of warmness flood his cheeks. "You should explain, I really have to go." He stands up and gets out of that incredibly awkward situation.

"So...Zach, huh?" Daniel asks as he plops in his seat.

Jack nods. He, too, sits down. "Long story short, your boss is a creep." He shrugs.

Daniel shakes his head affirmatively. "He wants to fire me to get some leverage on Zach..."He sighs. "...I'm guessing the date didn't go well because you showed up."

"You've got quite the intuition." Jack nods his head at Jonah's office. "That son of a bitch is plotting my downfall as we speak."

Daniel chuckles. "I don't doubt it."


After picking some paperwork from his car, Jack is on his way to Zach's dressing room. He knocks on the door.

"Come in!" Jack enters the room and sees Zach carefully tucking in his shirt before buttoning it up completely. He cracks a small smile, and sets down his paperwork

The blond gets behind him, but not too close. "What has you so shy?" He questions, looking at him through the mirror, ready to inspect all expressions to the millimetre.

Zach hides his face in his hands. "It's just something about the date... don't worry about it." He groans, definitely regretting his indulgence.

Jack chuckles and moves closer to remove his hands off his face."Whatever it is, I'm sure it'll be okay, darling." He chuckles lightly when he sees Zach's red face.

Someone knocks on the door. "Who is it?"Zach asks. However, no one answered, they just opened the door.

Jack pulls him closer by the waist. "Zach, I-" Jonah registers in the situation and closes the door again.

The blond carefully lets go of Zach, whose heart was beating right off his chest. He knocks once more. "It's Jonah. Can I come in?"

The brunet clears his throat and answers him affirmatively. Jonah gets in his dressing room and hands him a letter. "I hate to be the one to do this."

Zach opens the letter, and his eyes skim through it. He scoffs. "You're firing me? Where is the valid cause, Jonah?" He asks.

The blond smirks. Ah, right place, perfect timing. Were the gods on his side? He clears his throat and takes out a business card from his inner pocket. "Jack Avery, his representative... Mr. Marais, I'll see you in court."

Jonah's jaw goes slack. "You're suing me?" He closes his fists. "You're such a fucking-" Jack raises a finger to shut him up.

"I suggest you walk away before finishing that sentence."He crosses his arms.

Jonah looks at Zach dead in the eyes."One of these days, he won't be here to save you." With that, he gets out of the door and slams his door closed.

Jack grabs the letter from his hands and stuffs it in his pocket. "I'll go over this in my office tomorrow." He looks at the brunet; he looks absolutely livid. "From now on, you can't hide things from me. If you do, it'll just bite us in the ass, okay?"

Zach nods. "Hey, Jack?" He calls him to attention. The blond hums. "I want to see him beg for my forgiveness." His tone was cold, barely recognizable. He had worked too hard to make it this far. And he sure as hell was not letting Jonah take that away from him.

The brunet continues getting ready in silence, seemingly lost in thought. Jack loosens his tie slightly, making sure to take out the collar bar that holds his tie in place at all times.

The tension was so thick that you could cut it with a butter knife. Zach turns the left side of his face towards Jack. "I guess I really am owing you date now." A small smile adorning his face.

However, it wasn't a sweet smile like he usually has. This one more of a smirk. A smirk of someone who is being forced to be ruthless and calculated. A smirk of someone who's about to make a powerful man crumble at his feet and beg for mercy.

Jack tugs on a smile, too. He's avidly willing to be next to him every step of the way. He'll be the one to force Jonah to his knees, not only to beg but to bow for his darling.


"And... we're off air! Great show everyone!" Zach's back goes lax on his chair and closes his eyes. Jack aproaches him carefully and leans against the desk, facing him. In one of his arms he had paperwork.

"Wanna grab some dinner? My treat." He offers. Zach cracks one eye open.

"I'm pretty sure most restaurants are closed." He opens his other eye. "But we can always order some takeout."

Jack chuckles lightly. "Sure thing. My place or yours?"

Zach blushes lightly at in implication of ordering takeout. It has to be in one of their homes. "Uhm... my place is like a block away... I don't know about yours." He stands up and both walk towards the dressing room.

"Yours is definitely closer then. Are you changing clothes?" He holds the dor open for Zach.

"Thank you and... not really. Do you want to borrow some of my clothes?" He asks, ever so worried.

"It's fine, I'm comfortable like this." He smiles lightly, smitten by his sweetness.

a/n: thoughts? are you liking it so far??

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