confidence suits you

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They get in Zach's apartment, and both discard their shoes and coats. Jack inhales and smells the sweet scent of vanilla. It was engulfing him. Zach grabs his hand. "I'll show you around."

The brunet guides him through his house, making sure to explain how everything works and that if he needs help, he can ask for it.

Jack pulls him back towards him and holds on to his waist. Their faces were blissfully close. Zach holds his breath."No need to worry so much."

His lips were shiny, still with some gloss from the broadcast. Tired honey eyes watching his every move. If he moves just a bit more, he'll taste that lip gloss. His hand on his waist moves to the small of his back and pulls him closer. Zach exhales in surprise. Jack can smell his minty breath. Is he expecting a kiss? Is that why he popped a mint into his mouth earlier before?

The doorbell rings obnoxiously, pulling them out of their reverie. Jack carefully and reluctantly lets go of him. Zach clears his throat, and they pull away. The brunet walks towards the door.

What is this effect Zach has on me? He feels his heart racing.

Jack follows him closely and pulls out his wallet. Before the brunet can even open his wallet to pay the delivery man, Jack hands it to him-tip included. The blond grabs the bag and closes the door.

"Jack, I was going to pay for it." He pouts adorably. God, I want to ruin him.

The blond shakes his head. "I told you it was my treat."He boops his nose and smiles. Zach leads him to the kitchen table, and they sit down and eat.

"uhm..." Zach swallows his food and looks at Jack. "Why are you a lawyer?" Quite the question.

The blond shrugs."My parents were lawyers too... it kind of runs in the family." He points his fork to Zach."Besides, it's really rewarding to bring people to justice." He nods at him. "What about you? Why journalism?"

The brunet smiles fondly as memories pour in. "My grandpa worked in the area, and, in a way, I'm continuing his legacy. He broadcasted live from his station and always made sure to say goodnight to me live."He clears his throat. "I was raised by my grandparents... they were really good souls."

Jack nods, taking in his story. "I'm sure they were." He rests his hand on top of Zach's. "If it's any consolation, they raised you to become an amazing person." He smiles softly.

Zach holds onto his hands and squeezes it lightly. For a moment, Jack wanted nothing more than to grab him by the collars and press his lips on his, but he held onto his horses. He is not scaring him like that. From the looks of it, Zach never had a significant other. Whether or not he kissed someone was still a mystery to Jack. He's too innocent for his own good at times.

I can't just lunge for him, no... he deserves to be teared apart and put back together by me.

"So... about the date..." Zach looks away, embarrassed he brought it up himself. "When are you free?" He asks quietly.

"I have a court hearing tomorrow afternoon... so I'll be free by lunchtime."He rests his chin on the back of his hand.

Zach nods. "I have to work at three, so it'll work perfectly. Can you send me your firm's address? I'll pick you up." He smiles. The brunet copies Jack. "What's the trial about?"

Jack chuckles. "You know I can't tell you-client confidentiality is still a thing."He reminds him.

The brunet pouts. It takes everything in Jack to not spill everything to him. He is a very dangerous man. "I promise I'll tell you all about it as soon as it ends." He stretches out his pinky.

Zach looks at him. "I'll hold you to that promise." He intertwines their pinkies. "I can be very convincing." He tries to make a serious face. Oh, you have no idea.

"I don't doubt that." Jack pulls him closer by the pinky. "Not even for a second." He winks. Zack looks away as he blushes heavily. Jack tugs his finger yet again. "Don't go all shy on me, now." He teases.

The brunet looks back dead in the eyes as he fights back the urge to hide in his bed. Now that he looks with more attention, he had some signs of exhaustion. His eyes drooped a bit, displaying his tiredness. "I won't... that's why I asked you on a date."

The blond looks back with the same intensity Zach was studying him. He could practically see a small fire in his eyes. "Good... confidence suits you." The flame got slightly bigger, and a smile grew on his pink kissable lips.

Both were staring at each other with such unresolved tension. Studying each other's features in such a comfortable silence as their pinkies remained intertwined. If the table was any smaller, they would be on each other's necks.

A vibrating phone pulls them out of their stare-off. They pull apart, pinkies lingering for a second more than they should've.

"Woah, look at the time."Zach comments.

Jack nods. "I should head home, I still gotta put everything in my briefcase." He lazily stands up.

"I'm sorry for holding you here. You really helped me today. Thank you." He stands up too and walks Jack to the door.

The blond looks at him, and the sight of Zach with his loosened tie and dishevelled dress shirt was nearly too much for him. "Can I hug you?" He asks, seemingly out of the blue.

However, if one was inside of Jack's mind, they'd see a million thoughts racing through his head.

Zach steps closer and allows himself to be engulfed by Jack. The scent of Jasmine was exhilarating, consuming his lungs in such a desperate way. His warm body pressing against his was firm, like it would protect him from everything.

They reluctantly pull away, and it's Jack who clears his throat. "Thank you for tonight. I can't wait to see what you got in-store for tomorrow." He winks and opens the front door.

"Oh, and Zach?" The brunet hums sweetly. "No need for an expensive restaurant. A meal with you feels like I'm eating at a 5-star michellin restaurant already." With that, he leaves.

Zach feels himself grow red from the tip of his toes to the end of his hair. His body hair raises as well. After recovering from such a shock, he quickly cleans his kitchen.

He sees the blood red rose rest on his centrepiece in his living room. Jack must've brought it with him. He picks it up and sets it in a jar without forgetting to fill it with water.

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