a sense of euphoria

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Daniel clears his throat. "Good evening, America, I'm Daniel Seavey..."

"And I'm Zach Herron, and yes, it feels great to be back at the studio." He smiles as he introduces the emission.

He continues reading from the teleprompter. Jonah gets in the studio and watches as Zach and Daniel go from segment to segment up until they finish the emission.

"and I'm Zach Herron. Goodnight, and stay safe." He smiles.

"And... we're off air!" Zach and Daniel do their secret handshake.

"It's great to have you back, buddy." The platinum blond smiles as he pats his shoulder.

Jonah towers over both journalists. "I see bringing you back did well for our ratings."

Zach chuckles uncomfortably. " Would you mind if we had a chat in your office really quickly?" He stands up and grabs some papers from under the desk.

Jonah nods, and they silently walk to his office. Zach sits down on one of the uncomfortable chairs and looks at his wristwatch.

He clears his throat. "Jonah... I'd like to start by thanking you for allowing me to go on such an elucidating journey around the world. I truly learned a lot about different cultures and was able to finish my doctorate." He says sweetly.

A knock was heard. "Come in!" It's Zach who gives the order. Jack enters the room, holding his briefcase. "Jonah, I'm sure you remember my lawyer, Dr. Avery. " He smiles.

Jonah closes his fists as Jack sets his briefcase on his desk and opens it. The curly head withdraws some papers and closes it back up.

"If you could forward this to your lawyer, it would save me some unnecessary work." Jack picks up his briefcase.

"And I'd also like to ask for a raise as I just finished my doctorate." He sets down a ream of paper on the desk. "Here's my dissertation." He sets down a photocopy of his diploma. "My diploma." And a few more sheets of paper. "Some recommendations, too." He smiles.

"You're suing me, and you have the gull to ask for a raise!?" Jonah practically screams. Jack sets a reassuring hand in Zachs shoulder.

He crosses his arms. "Im suing you and asking the company for a raise. Two completely different situations." Jack nods.

"What will you do until the hearing? Come to work normally as if you didn't just fucking sue me!?" Jonah's tone did nothing to conceal his anger.

Zach nods. "Exactly. And if you or your father try to send me away again, I'll sue you time and time again." Jack discreetly bites his lip. Zach is so confident now that it stirs something in him. He wants to see whether that confidence will be maintained in their more vulnerable moments.

Jonah slams his fists on the table. "Out. Both of you. Immediately. Before I call security. " The two of them walk out, with Jack closing the door behind him.

They high-five. Phase zero was completed. Jonah had to give him a raise as it is company policy to incentivate those with higher studies. The lawsuit merely served as a cushion for the harsh reality he'll have to face.

Zach leads the curly head to his dressing room and they get in. He grabs a paper bag and hands it to Jack. "All the magnets from countries I visited like I promised."

The lawyer stuffs his hand in the bag and grabs a random one. Zach sets the bag down. It was a square with some language Jack doesn't quite understand. Zach peeks at it.

"Nice choice. It's from Portugal. They have a really specific type of handkerchief that rhymes. The catch is that they're misspelt because the people weren't educated." He explains. "It's like a confession on a piece of fabric."

"What does it say?" Jack inspects the carefully handsewn drawings.

Zach grabs his phone." I have it written down!" He goes through his notes. "Here."

Jack reads the small poem.

Water comes from stone,
Stone comes from the ground.
Thus, our love is born
from the bottom of my heart.

The curly head looks at him. Zach smiles. "I bought some handkerchiefs too... I can give you one if you want-" He is interrupted by a peck. On his lips. By Jack.


Thump Thump.

Both freeze in place for five long seconds. Their breaths mingled as they were still awfully close. The brunet was absolutely floored. Despite it, he shakily grabs Jack by the back of his neck and pushes him back to his lips.

The kiss is a messy clash of lips and teeth as they try to find their own rhythm. Zach pauses the kiss to shakily gasp for air but is quickly drawn back in by Jack. The curly head presses his lips more into his as he finally tastes him.

Zach moves his hands to the collars of his suit and pulls him closer until his back hits a wall. They part once more as the need for air was now completely unbearable. Both greedily suck in air to fill their lungs. Between gasps for air, Zach confesses: "That was...my first kiss." He rests his hands on his chest. "I definitely should've kissed you on our first date." He chuckles, and Jack follows suit.

The reporter presses his lips on his once again. Jack immediately replies with intensity. It's like he was starving for him. His touch, his warm lips. Everything. He presses him more against the wall. The sense of euphoria he feels right now is far greater than when he kills someone.

Zach moves to loosen Jack's tie as the curly head grabs his waist. He tugs but it doesn't move. He pulls away and sees the damn collar bar still in the tie. Jack looks at him and sees the purest of desires in his eyes. It's almost impossible not to pick him up and ruin him. His cheeks and lips were now a bold red from the exertion.

Jack moves a hand away from his waist and sets it on the wall. "We should stop..."He inhales as his voice becomes lower. "... before I leave some marks on your neck." Jack makes a point to kiss his neck, exhaling heavily against the junction between his jaw and ear. "...darling."

Zach's hair rises to attention as his face turns a bright red colour. "I've never..." He trails off his confession, looking at Jack to see if he understands.

The curly head smiles and gently cups his face with one hand. "I've waited for you for a year. You don't think I can wait longer?" His thumb presses lightly on his bottom lip. "I'm offended, really." An amused smile makes his way to his face as he looks at his shocked expression.

He chuckles and leans in. "I mean it, I have no trouble waiting." He pecks him."I know it'll all be worth it in the end." He reassures.

Zach nods and smiles softly. "I'll make it worthy, honey." He pecks his cheek and swiftly steps out of their little bubble.

He packs his things, as if he hadn't said the single most insane thing ever. Jack leans face first on the wall, willing his boner away. Really, Zach had that much power over him.

"Jack, let's go?" Zach innocently asks. The curly head steps away from the wall and clears his throat as he buttons his blazer. He stuffs one hand in his pocket and prays that he can't tell he's aching for him.

Zach grabs him by the hand, and they step out of the dressing room. The two make their way out of the studio while making small talk.

"Let me drive you home. Things have been a bit dangerous." Because of me. Framing Jonah isn't exactly a field of roses. Zach nods, and they get in his car.

Jack happily drives to his apartment. Once they stop, Zach looks at him. "I hope you enjoy the magnets." He smiles.

"I'll enjoy them more if you tell me all the stories behind them." He holds his hand and gently intertwines their fingers.

Zach nods. "I will." He stretches his pinky. "I promise." They hook their pinkies.

"Tell me some stories on Friday over some lunch."

The brunet smiles. "Make it Friday night, I have the day off. You can come over and I'll cook for us. We can even watch a movie."

Jack smiles. "I'll bring dessert." He offers.

"It's a date."

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