wait and see

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Zach is wearing one of his most flattering outfits. A flannel shirt over a black turtleneck that's carefully tucked in some dress pants. Said pants that not only snatch his waist but also make his ass look bigger.

On his way to the firm, Zach passed by a flowershop. He stopped and turned his head to the side. He bought a single white rose. Zach imagines Jack's office to be dark yet neatly organised. Maybe with some papers scattered around his desk.

The law firm is big and and exudes a powerful energy. It has tinted windows with the words Avery Veritas written in golden.

He gets in the building and sees dozens of people walking around, answering calls, rushing with scalding hot coffees in their hands. Zach moves to the reception and clears his throat to catch their attention.

The receptionist looks up."How may I help you, sir?" Her tone showed great uninterest in the interaction.

"Would you mind telling me where's Jack Avery's office is?" At the mention of his name, she stands to attention.

"Do you have an appointment, sir? As you can imagine, Mr. Avery has quite a busy schedule." She tries to dissuade him from wanting to see Jack.

Zach smiles at her. "I don't have an appointment, ma'am, but I'm sure that if you called him, you'd see he has no trouble seeing me."

The receptionist rolls her eyes but dials his number. "Mr. Avery, there's a man here that doesn't have an- ..." She looks at Zach, as if she is expecting his name.

"Zach, Zach Herron." He clarifies.

"Zach Herron, sir..."

The brunet can clearly hear Jack say: "He's my boyfriend. Let him in immediately." Her face quickly loses all colour.

"Sixth floor, and you turn to the left, sir." She says as she looks at him wide-eyed.

"Thank you." He makes his way to the elevator and presses the button that takes him to the sixth floor.

He knocks on a door that says Avery, J Dr.

A faint 'come in' is heard from inside the office. Zach opens the door and sees Jack sitting on his desk. As he predicted, the office was dark, and several shelves were filled with books. With some scattered mountains of books stacked on the floor, too.

He looks finally looks at Jack. He was in just a dress shirt that was unbuttoned, and he was wearing glasses. Other than that, he still remained composed.

"Hey." He greets as he closes his computer. "Sorry for the mess; it's a big case."

Zach smiles lightly. "It's fine, really. I can tell you're really invested on it by the way you're using your books." He nods.

Jack smiles. "Yeah, they're not here for decoration purposes."He looks at the papers shattered across his desk. "Would you mind if I just packed my briefcase really quickly? Then, I'll be ready for our date."

Zach signs him to go ahead as he walks around the office. He walks towards the glass wall and admires the view. From there, he could see the Hudson River as clear as day, as well as the pier that was always bustling with tourists.

The brunet turns around and sees Jack struggling a bit with his tie. He sets the rose on his desk and moves to help him. He tightens it just right. Jack hands him the collar bars that keep it from moving around and make sure his collars stay intact. Zach stabs them through the shirt and into the knot with perfect accuracy.

"Thanks."He mutters as he looks at him. It seemed he had a good night's rest, as the way he carries himself is much more energetic. Jack gently grabs his face, and Zach sucks in a breath through his teeth.

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