don't stain him

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"Jack, are you sure I'm not underdressed?" Zach is wearing a dress shirt with a knit vest over it, some dress pants and boots. the epitome of academia. "I feel like I should wear a suit." He squeezes their intertwined fingers.

Jack was wearing a black turtleneck as Zach seriously did a number on him. "It's just dinner at a restaurant. She just flew in from Pennsylvania. She must be exhausted."

They get in the Italian restaurant, and Zach tugs on Jack's arm to stop walking. "I should've brought something... do you think we still have time to go back and get something?"

Jack points to the front with his head. "She's right there. Too late." He tugs him forward so they can sit at the table.

Jack's mother stands up and Zach fights the urge to bow down. "Mom, this is my boyfriend." The woman looks at him up and down, as if she's analysing him throughly.

She stretches her hand. "Kristin." Her tone was soft, yet powerful.

Zach nervously shakes her hand. "Zach, Zach Herron. It's a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Stanford."

He sees the corner of her lips tugging upwards as they sit down. "So, Zach, tell me more about yourself."

Suddenly, the brunet forgot everything about his life. "Uhmm... I-I'm a news anchor for channel six." He chuckles nervously. She raises an eyebrow.

Jack comes to the rescue. "Don't keep yourself too humble, darling. Zach just finished his doctorate in Media Communication."

"Really?" She asks, surprised. "What university? Yale? Harvard?"

Zach's fiddles with his fingers nervously. "Vigo, in Spain. I was offered a scholarship."

Kristin nods, taking in his words. "Very impressive." She comments.

"And he was asked to write a book." Jack adds. Zach kicks him from under the table.

"I see you're very talented and academically driven, Doctor Herron." Her eyes were piercing through him.

Zach's eyes widen. "Please, call me Zach." He insists.

The waiters set three plates of pasta on their table."I went ahead and ordered, you don't mind, do you?" She asks, watching Zach's moves closely.

Zach opens the cloth napkin and sets it on his lap. He looks at a waiter. "Avete del Chianti Classico?" (Do you have Chianti Classico?)

The waiter nods. "Castillo di Volpaia. La bottiglia costa 90 euros." (The bottle costs 90 euros)

"Lo prendiamo noi. Grazie." (We'll take it. Thank you) He smiles softly as the waiter opens the bottle and pours them glasses. The waiter leaves.

"Enjoy this wine, Mrs. Stanford It's one of the best I've tried in Italy." He signs her to have a sip.

"I didn't know you spoke Italian." Jack comments as he sets the napkin on his lap.

"Reporting around the world has its perks. I had to learn a bit of everything to get by." He smiles softly.

Kristin starts eating. Her eyes are set on Zach, who tries to follow all etiquette rules to perfection.

The three eat in pure awkward silence. Once they all finish, Kristin looks at Jack. "I like him. Bring him to the event, and I'll introduce him to some very important people."

Her gaze turns to Zach, and she moves to hold his hands. "I'll make you a giant of mass media. How does that feel like?"

The brunet shakes his head. "No need, Mrs. Stanford. I have my own plan in motion, but thank you." He smiles softly, letting her down gently.

She nods and smiles as well. "Jack, where did you find him? He's just so lovely."

Jack smiles, amused. "No need to butter him up. He's already mine." The three chuckle.

Zach excuses himself to go to the restroom.

The curly head turns serious. He sighs as he swallows his pride. "I need your help." He requests, his hands turning into fists.

Kristin leans forward on the table. "My my... Jack is asking for help? Oh, let me just bask in this moment a bit more." She runs her hands across her arms.

"I'm serious." He continues.

Kristin stops moving. "How serious? Who has you screaming for my help?" She asks, feigning innocence.

Jack scoffs and crosses his arms. "Jonah Marais. Does it ring any bells?"

She nods. "His father is -"

"I know." He interrupts her. "He's Zach's boss. Just won a case against Jonah. Gabriela was his lawyer."

She furrows her eyebrows, now deeply interested in the conversation. "What do you want?" Kristin asks, now dead serious.

"I want to accuse him of something he didn't do." He just comes out and says it. "Any tips?"

Kristin smirks. "Several... are you familiar with the art of hypnosis?" She continues despite Jack's uninterest look."It tricks the human brain into making it believe the lies it has been fed."

Jack leans in, more interested. Kristin straightens her back as she sees Zach approaching. He turns back and smiles warmly at his lover.

Zach sits down, and he pecks his temple. "Sorry it took me so long, I couldn't find the restroom."

Kristin smiles. "It's okay, Zach. How are you feeling about dessert?" She asks him sweetly.

Zach turns to him."Will you share with me?"He asks with the cutest of small smiles.

Jack nods and opens the menu. He makes eye contact with his mother. Jack looks at Zach, then back at her, silently telling her: "Don't utter a word to him."

After dessert, they paid and left the restaurant. Zach insisted on taking Kristin to her car. Before she got in the car, she grabbed Zach's hands.

"Take care of my son while I'm not there, okay?" She said it with such a sweet tone that Jack nearly believed her.

Zach nodded. "I will, Mrs. Stanford. I'll make sure he calls you more often." He chuckles.

"Please, call me Kristin, sweetie. Can't wait to see you at the gala."

She turned to Jack and opened her arms. Her son hugged her tightly. She got close to his ear. "I'm proud of you for being with someone like him. He's a good man. Don't stain him with your ways."

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