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Jack sits on a table by the window as he waits for the brunet. He is wearing a suit, as he is going to court that same day. Fear not, as he is a lawyer. And a good one at that.

The bell rings, and he looks up, and a smile rips through his lips. Zach finally got there. He was wearing a turtleneck, a clear evidence of the cold weather, with a dress shirt that was carefully tucked in and loosely unbuttoned. He pairs these with some jeans and some high-top converse. His jewellery was tasteful.

The brunet's eyes widen. "Oh, I am sorely underdressed."

"I have to go to court after this. Otherwise, I'd be in casual clothes." Jack sees his eyes shine with curiosity. The blond reaches inside his inner pocket, takes out a card, and hands it to Zach.

Jack Avery, PhD
Attorney at Law.
Specialist in criminal defence 1-800-xxx-x

The brunet inspects every little detail in the card. It was matte burgundy with shiny silver details. "Seems only fair I get your card, doesn't it?" He stretches his hand out.

Zach reaches into his wallet and withdraws a card.

Zach Herron, Md

"A Master's, huh?" Zach nods. His card was much less bold than Jack's. It was light green and white. Clearly less attention-grabbing than Jack's. "Nice colour choice, it fits you."

The brunet smiles. "Thank you...uhm, did you order anything?" Jack shakes his head.

As if on cue, a woman got close to them. "Good morning, may I take your order?" She had a pen and paper ready to scribble everything. Jack signs Zach to start.

"I'd like an americano and some toast... with extra butter, please." He shyly says the last part.

"A latte with a bagel, please." He asks politely as he makes eye contact with Zach.

The woman nods as she scribbles everything. "Coming right up." She goes to take another order.

Zach breaks their eye contact. "Is there anything on my face?" He asks as he rubs his face.

Jack chuckles. "I am just looking at you because I think you're really pretty."


Thump Thump.

His heart truly skipped a beat. It was as if he lost control over his own body for a second. Zach's face turns into an uncharacteristic bold red as he freezes. "W-What?" He asks, in shock. This man really is bold.

Jack smiles. "You heard me. There is no need to dance around it." The waitress sets their breakfast on the table. Jack thanks her.

Zach suddenly breaks out of his shock. "Y-You're -" He tries to form a sentence, but nothing seems to come out.

"I am, what? Being serious? Yeah, I am." He picks up his bagel with a never seen before gentleness. He looks at Zach right in his eyes. "Eat, you need it."

"Jack..." he looks down as he fiddles with his fingers. "...b-before you become even more serious... I think you should know that my date tonight... is a really powerful man, and... if he knows you're saying these things he'll-"

"Destroy my career?" He chuckles. "I'd like to see him try." Jack carefully turns serious. "If you want to, I can pretend to be your boyfriend and see if he gets off your case." Jack proposes.

The brunet cracks a ghost of a smile. "I can't let you do that. I'm pretty sure he would fire me." He closes his fist.

"He can't fire you without a fair reason... and if he does," He points at himself. "I'll gladly represent you in court. For free."He taps on his own lips. " Actually, not for free... I'll do it in exchange of a date."

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