no objections

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After the gala, the couple was constantly paparazzied in public. So, Zach had to conceal the fresh love bites on his neck. After showering, the couple got ready to go out. At least there was a viable excuse to wear a scarf.

They made sure to layer up properly... except for their hands. Jack had insisted that he would keep his hands warm. The two walked to the restaurant Zach had proposed. Sure, it was cold outside, but inside their little bubble, nothing was too cold for them.

They sit down, with Jack being the gentleman he is, and opening every door and helping him sit down. "You know I'm a grown adult, right?" Zach playfully asks.

Jack smiles and holds his left hand. "I know, but when you're so adorable like that, I can't contain myself." He kisses his hand.

Zach feels himself blush. "Are you ready to order?" A waiter asks, interrupting their little moment.

The brunet quickly orders, making sure to pick what he liked the most the last time he was there. Once the waiter leaves, they return to their little bubble.

Jack just looks at his darling boyfriend-he was so smitten by his beauty. He's wearing a black turtleneck with a sweatshirt over it. His earrings glisten as he raises an eyebrow, silently asking him why he's staring. Yet he couldn't shake off the smile that he ripped out of him. "Staring is a bit rude, Doctor Avery." He teases.

The curly head feels the tip of his ears flush. "Not my fault you're so pretty." He rests his chin on his hand as if it reinforces his point. Jack holds his left hand, thumb grazing his ring finger. "I'm gonna put a ring on this pretty little finger." He says outloud.

Zach squirms a bit in his seat. Marriage was only brought up once while they joked around. Jack seemed so... serious.

"You mean it?" He asks, looking at him from under his lashes.

Jack nods, and then, a sudden wave of doubt hits him. "Unless you... don't want to marry."

"I do." He quickly reasures him."We've just never discussed it." He says matter-of-factly.

"Let's discuss it then." Jack smiles, lightly squeezing his hand. Zach nods as a smile makes his way to his face.

Their food is served, and Zach waits for Jack to try it first. The curly head hums loudly. "Really, everything is so good."

Zach smiles and starts eating. The two happily discuss marriage, with both smiling widely when they agree on several aspects. Zach carefully passes him some of his squid. He knows Jack loves it.

Jack passes him a few french fries. The two smile. "So..." He starts changing subjects. " was Japan? We never kept our magnet talk going."

Zach feeds him a tiny tentacle. "I was there during the cherry blossom season. Everything felt like I was in a romance novel." He smiles when Jack chews on the tentacles. "Mount Fuji looks breathtaking during this season, and the trains turn off the lights so everyone can properly look at nature." He sighs happily. "The food is amazing too. I'd definitely return there."

Jack smiles at how reminiscent his lover looks. "We can always go there together." He suggests.

Zach nods excitedly. "I'll start learning some kanji right away!" Adorable.

Jack feels his heart melt. He's always so sweet and considerate. How could he not marry him?

They finish eating and chat some more about more countries Zach visited. Jack makes the point to pay for their meal and tugs him out of the restaurant.

A wave of coldness washes through them, and Zach quickly held onto his lover. He intertwines their fingers, and with his other hand, he wraps himself on Jack's arm. Zach licks his lips once he feels the muscles on his arm despite all those layers. He pecks his cheek.

Jack looks at him, and his lips form a big smile. "I love you so much." It seemed like a confession. It was a confession that he was utterly and madly in love with his darling boyfriend.

Zach smiles back just as widely. "I love you more." He challenges him. Jack raises an eyebrow. In a split second, Jack is pulling him in for a kiss right there, in the middle of the street.

The brunet feels his face warm up and pecks him again."We're in the middle of the street, Doctor Avery." He chuckles.

"Well, Doctor Herron, I felt like this was necessary." He explains as he tugs him to keep walking.

"People must think we treat each other like that all the time." Zach chuckles.

Jack smiles. "Who cares about what they think? You're all mine." He wraps his arm over his waist and takes his as the perfect moment to kiss his cheek.



the romance between channel six's Zach Herron and attorney Jack Avery shows us that the couple is sentenced to be together!

This unlikely couple was seen going on a date on the coldest day registered in New York City. The attorney at law shows that he's more than books and trials, as seen in this picture. He's seen smiling at his boyfriend. The beloved news anchor is also seen doting on his boyfriend while they have dinner together!

Their little date culminated with the attorney showing everyone that Zach Herron is not up for grabs by sharing a passionate kiss in the middle of the sidewalk. It seems it's a question of when they'll be bound for life with no objections.

Jack smiles as he reads through the article. "Mr. Avery, here are the classics." The salesperson sets a big box of engagement rings in front of him.

The curly head inspects the rings thoroughly. He had requested bands with small diamonds. However, none spoke to him. "Do you have anything else? None of these seem... right."

"Have you considered going to a jeweller so you can costumize it to your liking, sir?"

Jack furrows his eyebrows. "I haven't really... do you have any recommendations?"

They nod as they take out a small notebook from the counter. "Here are the best in New York... unless you wanna look outside the state, too?"

"Give me the best of the best. He deserves it."

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