modus operandi

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Jack is pulled out of his slumber with his phone ringing obnoxiously loud. Without opening his eyes, he reaches for his phone and picks it up. Zach rests peacefully with his head under his arm.

He inhales. "Avery speaking." His tone is raspy, and it is clearly evident he was sleeping.

"Jack, man." It is Corbyn speaking. "A new body was found, same M.O. I helped my team with the evidence."

Jack slowly starts opening his eyes. "Any new leads?" He glances at his phone to check the time. 4.24am. "You couldn't call me a bit later?"

"Nope, they're sending the body to forensics to check for any fingerprints." He explains, a bit too excitedly for such an early hour.

"Call me when you have some news, then." He hangs up and moves closer to his lover.

Zach hums as he stretches. "Who was that?" He mumbles.

"Corbyn." He nudges his head on his pillow to make himself comfortable.

His lover hums, understanding but not quite racionalizing it.

The couple returns to their slumber. It's been two months since the gala. Josh hasn't called Jack, but the brunet doesn't lose hope.

The two moved in together into an apartment that is in between both of their jobs. Both had decorated it with their combined tastes, mixing light tones with dark undertones.

Jack rushed them to move. He figured that they should do it as soon as they possibly could to make sure that it wouldn't hinder them both during the trials.

Jack opens his eyes as his brain actually processes what Corbyn said.

"... new body... same M.O..."

He closes them again as he recalls how he arrived a bit later today. Took them a while to find the body. Now, all Corbyn has to do is plant the goddamn evidence.

Jack turns to the side and kisses the back of his lover's neck. The brunet sighs and moves closer to him, pressing himself on Jack's torso.


It's around eight in the morning when Jack wakes up with another call from Corbyn.

He picks up the phone. "Avery speaking."

"Forensics has found a strand of Jonah's hair on the body. We're waiting for the warrant." Corbyn informs him.

Jack hums. "He'll say he's not guilty." He opens his eyes and rubs his face across his face. "Call me when you make the arrest. Bye, dude." He hangs up the phone and puts it back on his nightstand.

"Are you having an affair with Corbyn or something? It's the second time he calls you." Zach complains, voice still evident with sleep. He is holding his own pillow with a cute pout on his lips.

The curly head chuckles and turns to him. "I'd be incapable of having an affair." He pecks him.

"Don't try to butter me up." He turns his back to him.

Jack starts kissing his neck ever so gently, moving over to kiss his shoulder and down his arm. The brunet gives his leeway to continue kissing his body.

"Is it working?" The curly head asks.

Zach nods. "It would work way better if you made me breakfast. Waking me up on my day off is practically inexcusable." He moans tiredly.

Jack gasps. "I'm so sorry, baby, I forgot. Breakfast is coming right up." He kisses him and hurries off to their kitchen to prepare breakfast.

He figures that they won't have much time together after today. With Jonah's case finally on the table, it'll be complicated to keep pampering him like he does.

Zach sits on a stool by their kitchen island, patiently waiting for breakfast. He looks out the window and sees that the city is covered in white. Finally, it started snowing. "It snowed last night." He comments.

Jack looks out the window as well. "Maybe we can go for a walk after dinner? I'll keep you warm." He suggests as he brews the coffee.

The brunet bites his lip as he thinks of other plans. "We could go out, I don't really feel like cooking tonight."

"Let's go out." He smiles, even though Zach can't see him. "I'll come back from work, have a shower, and we'll go. How does that sound like?"

Zach hums affirmatively. "Dani recommended me a really good restaurant... and maybe some hot cocoa afterwards to warm up?"

Jack hands him the coffee with a smitten look on his face. "You have such amazing ideas, darling."

"Still not off the hook for waking me up so early." He teases.

Jack hands him the toast. Extra butter. Zach looks at it. "You're off the hook now.'" The two chuckle.

The curly head leans on the island and puckers his lips. They kiss. "Thank you, honey. I love you." Zach thanks him with a smile. He can see the tips of Jack's ears becoming slightly red. "You're so cute." He compliments him and sees his ears getting redder.

"You're cuter." He grabs his own breakfast and sits comfortably on the stool. "And I love you more." The two chat mindlessly as they eat breakfast.

Zach accompanies his lover back to their bedroom as the curly head has to get dressed for work.

Jack doesn't bother to cover his tattoos as today he isn't going to court. Zach reminisces on the first time he registered the fact that he had tattoos. He vividly recalls the ripple of desire coursing through his body.

He watches his lover put on his suit with such gentle hands, making sure that there isn't a single wrinkle in his dress shirt. Jack chose to wear a dark grey suit.

The curly head puts on a silver wristwatch to match his ring. He turns to his lover and kisses his hand, placing a long kiss on the ring. "I love you."

Zach smiles widely. "I love you." He puckers his lips, and he gives him a short yet sweet kiss.

"If you keep giving me such sweet kisses, I won't want to go to work." He pouts adorably, running his fingers through Zach's hair.

He chuckles and gives him another kiss. "Next time I'm off work, you'll call in sick, and we'll stay in bed all day long."

Jack hums delighted. "Great suggestion... but you're off on Sunday, so it's a lazy day for us." He smiles at the prospect of staying home with him.

Zach checks his phone. "You're gonna late if you keep kissing me." He playfully warns him.

His lover whines (just as playfully) and gets ready for the day. Once Jack leaves their apartment, it's Zach time to shine. His little plan is now all clear to start.

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