lion's den

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"Do I really need to have a suit tailored just for a gala?" He whines as the tailor takes his measurements.

Jack simply adores how much of a spoiled man he can turn him into. He chuckles. "He's just making sure the suit fits you nicely. A three-piece shouldn't be worn lightly." He explains.

The man taking the measurements nods. "Indeed, Mr. Avery. A three-piece is only worn for special occasions."

Zach takes in the words. "My suits fit me just right." He comments.

Jack shakes his head as he looks at some ties. "But they don't really accentuate your body." He puts a mint tie by his neck and scrunches his nose.

Zach will be wearing a tasteful dark olive green three-piece suit. The gala is in four days. The brunet nods.

The tailor finishes up the measurements. "I'd recommend a burgundy tie for him, sir. The colours complement themselves in a classy style. " He suggests as he looks at Jack. "As for you, maybe something with patterns?"

Jack nods. "To play around with the stripes I'll be wearing."

"Exactly that, sir."He scribbles something on a notebook. "You can come and pick up your suits in two days. Thank you."

The couple leaves the store holding hands. Jack then asks the question that has been brewing inside him for a while."Are you going home for Thanksgiving?"

Zach holds his breath and looks everywhere but him. "I'm not." He simply says, but then looks at Jack's concerned expression. "I don't really celebrate it."

Jack nods. "I'm sure my mom would love it if you stopped by and had dinner with us." He comments. "But I'd love it even more." He adds.

Zach stresses his bottom lip with his teeth. "Are you sure? I mean, it's a big holiday..." He trails off, trying to give Jack the cold shoulder.

The curly head nods. "I wouldn't have suggested it if I wasn't sure." Jack reassures him by giving his hand a small squeeze.

The brunet smiles softly. "Sure, I can go..." Yet, he sounds so unsure.

Jack nudges him lightly. "If you survived meeting my mom, you'll survive meeting the rest of the family."

He shakes his head. "It's different... your mom is more of a calculist who likes my achievements." Zach turns to him."What if your sisters don't like my personality?"

"My sisters are young and impress them, darling." He reassures him with a small kiss on the cheek.

Zach whines. "That doesn't really help!"

"We'll do it like this: I'll talk to them to not make too many questions, and I'll hold your hand like this." He raises their hands. "If you feel too nervous. deal?"

He nods. "deal." They shake hands on it.


Jack knows he shouldn't. That he should keep things under wraps... but he can't really help himself. I mean, it's like his meal fell on his lap.

How could he not attack? Jonah is standing right in the middle of his den, as if he's a poor antelope who got lost.

In the wild, it's the lionesses who hunt for the males. Their nimble bodies and lack of mane allow them to disguise themselves in the tall grasses. They only attack when the antelopes are at their most relaxed state, drinking water, for example. Even so, they approach them slowly, observing their every move under a microscope.

So, the pure fact that the lion did not need to hunt for such a meaty antelope did not rub Jack the right way. No sane antelope would willingly go to a lion's den. Jack is awfully wary of his presence.

"Are you gonna keep staring at that chess board, Jack? I've got more places to be in." Jonah rolls his eyes.

"You came here willingly. You made time in your schedule to be here."Jack comments as he looks up from the board, still not facing him. "What is it that you want?"

Jonah scoffs and crosses his arms. "I've heard from some big shots that the prosecutor is doing her research on me." He looks at his nails. "I want you as my lawyer."

The curly head moves a white piece. It was truly a desperate attempt at guarding his king. There's no way of stopping the attack white pieces are about to suffer.

"No." He moves a black piece and knocks a white pawn down. "You have to stop playing checkers, Jonah. We're playing chess, and you're losing."

"That's why I want you on my team." He shrugs. "How much?" He nods his head at him, waiting for his answer.

Jack turns his head to the side to look at him. Jonah smiles. Money is always the way to get them. "Even if you offered me all the money in the world, it wouldn't get me to betray my darling boyfriend."

Jonah scoffs. "Everyone has a price, Romeo." He mocks him.

"Are you even aware that actions have consequences?" He asks. "You can't just ask me to change my pieces midway." Jack turns back to the chessboard. "I'll play devil's advocate here and give you my advice for free."

The taller man looks at him expectantly. "Well... what is it?" He asks, sick of waiting.

Jack gestures to an armchair. "Sit there, and I'll tell you." The man complies immediately. Jack sits directly in front of him."Get comfortable. This advice will come in handy."

Once Jonah settled in the chair, Jack continued. "Close your eyes and free your mind." The brunet rolled his eyes but eventually closed them.





The sound of Jack's wall clock started to echo in Jonah's mind. His eyebrows furrow. The rhythmic sound slowly plagues his mind. With each passing second, he feels himself start to succumb in the comfort of the armchair. Jonah feels the lawyer stand up and walk behind him.

"Let it take over you." Jack's voice is quiet and exudes a sense of tranquillity. "It's so predictable and... on tempo. Make yourself comfortable within your subconscious." Once his breath evens out, he knows he got him good.

Jack moves to stand in front of him."When you hear me snap my fingers, tell me a secret about you." He does the movement.

"I don't like the life my father has chosen for me." Jonah mumbles.

He smirks. Jack makes sure he truly is out of himself by ordering him around.

"When we eventually go to court, and you sit on the testimonial stand, I, Jack Avery, will approach you. Once you hear this -" He snaps his fingers. "As you see me, do the gesture. You'll muster the angriest voice possible and say this..."

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