busy staring at you

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Jack was replying to an email when his lover set a chess board on the centrepiece table. He looks at it.

"When I came back, I saw you had a board and a diploma. I want to play with you." Zach starts setting up the pieces.

Jack smiles softly and helps him out. "You won't be mad at me if you lose, right?" He teases, ever so cocky.

The brunet looks up at him through his lashes. Such a heated look that stirs something in Jack. "That is... if you win." He smiles.

Jack chooses the white pieces, deciding to let him have the advantage. He opens the game with the English Opening.

Zach nods. "Good choice." He moves his pawn from e4 to e6-the French defence.

The French Defence allows the black pieces to create a solid yet passive structure. It's a defence that only shows results later on in the game. It limits the white pieces' mobility. The French defence offers a unique struggle for control and counter play.

They keep playing, with long pauses between moves. Zach eyes each and every piece on the board with laser focus. Their game features some intense battles with both sacrificing pieces for their strategy.

Jack sets a bishop on the King's direct diagonal. All he has to do is move a pawn, and he checks him. He looks at his boyfriend. He has a satisfied look on his face. Like he got the last laugh.

Zach moves his rook horizontally and knocks Jack's king down. "Checkmate."

The curly head's eyes widen. "What?" He was so sure that he got him. He had guarded his king with such attention. Jack looks at the board in shock, then back at his lover. "But -" He runs his hands through his hair.

"Your biggest mistake was deliberately losing pieces to stop my attack." He kisses him. "It was still a great game, though." He reassures.

Jack looks at him and grabs his hands. "Teach me everything." He begs.

Zach chuckles. "I'd love to, but it is getting really late." He makes home of Jack's lap as he turns to him. "And you have to wake up early tomorrow."

The curly head barely contains himself. Having him sit so prettily on his lap after losing to him in such a beautiful way...

He lunges for his lips and starts a heated make-out. Zach responds just as intensely as he opens his legs a bit more to get closer to him. Jack grabs him by the waist and squeezes the flesh. So pudgy and soft. His left hand slithers under the back of his shirt while the right hand goes under his shorts.

The brunet doesn't want to get left behind, so he grinds against him, eliciting sharp intakes of breath from the both of them. Jack squeezes his ass, massaging it afterwards. They part the kiss and look at each other deep in the eyes as lust starts to take over their frames.

Jack lays them down on the couch and takes over. He pauses to look at his lover. His legs were wide open just enough, so Jack's torso could fit. His shirt had ridden up just enough so he could see the outline of his achingly hard shaft. His eyes were half-lidded in want, his cheeks dusted with a light pink. His lips were slightly parted. It's truly a million dollar view.

However, Jack can also compete against him rather easily. Yes, he's towering over him, but Zach can see everything. His happy-trail on display as the shirt has ridden up a bit. He can see a ghost of a hickey by his v-line. Oh, and how could I forget the sweatpants hanging dangerously low on his hips. His lips were shiny with their shared saliva.

Then, Zach broke their desire filled silence. "Let's move in together." Jack's eyes fill with emotion.


Thump Thump.

The brunet pulls him down by the neck, making sure his lips lined with his ear."Please, honey." He nibbled on the shell of his ear.

Jack does the same to him. "You sound so pretty begging like that... who am I to deny you?" He starts kissing down his neck. "Of course I want to move in with you."

Zach grabs his face and puckers his lips. It's Jack who speaks."I'll bring you flowers on your days off." He pecks him. "And dessert when you're feeling down." His lips start wandering around. "We'll watch Jane Austen's book adaptations." He pauses. "More like, you'll watch them. I'll be busy staring at you." Jack caresses his cheek gently. "You're always so beautiful, darling."

The brunet was a blushy, mushy mess. "Jack!" He whines, but absolutely basking in the praise.

"I mean it." Jack's hand moves to intertwine their fingers. "You're always so beautiful, my darling. I'm so lucky to have you."

Zach pouts adorably. "I'm luckier. You're always so sweet, Jack."

The curly head smiles. It was like he could see his pupils turning into heart shapes as his iris shine a pretty brown. He has a realization. I love you. I love everything about you. "How could I not be sweet when you look at me with those eyes?"

Zach looks away for brief moments as his cheeks become even redder. "It's unfair! You always have cute things to say while I'm an embarrassed mess!" He whines, pouting afterwards.

Jack chuckles lightly. "I just say what goes on in my heart." He kisses his temple. "I know you like it when I'm vocal about my feelings."

The brunet takes a deep breath. "I think that..." He looks away momentarily. "Being so straightforward makes you really hot." His fingertip traces Jack's exposed collarbone. "And that... it shows me that you really want me."

"Of course I want you. I always will."He grabs the hand that was running down his body and kisses it

"Ugh! I can't be cute and vocal like you!" He officially gives up.

Jack chuckles."You have your own way of vocalising your love for me." He reassures.

And it is true. At times, Zach makes extra food and puts it in a tupperware (with a handwritten note, obviously) for Jack to eat in his office. He buys him little treats he knows he loves. Zach always makes sure to help him tie his tie correctly. He goes as far as waking up with Jack, so he doesn't have breakfast alone.

Love isn't always vocal for Jack, either. For Jack, love is pulling the covers up for Zach during the night. It's brewing his coffee and buttering his toast. It's watching every single one of his broadcasts and smiling like a fool. It's bragging about him every time the word media comes up in discussion.

Because that's what love is all about. It's the little things and the not so little things. Love is kissing when they wake up and not care about morning breath. Love is showering together in the morning. Love is picking each other's outfits. Love is playing chess together and not being upset over losing.

They join their lips together once more. I love you. Jack's mind repeats it over and over again. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you.

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