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Koda screamed at the top of a hill while Sato, Kaminari, Sero, and Ashido, stood somewhere nearby, dozing off.

“Hey, extra lessons group, don’t stop.” Aizawa ordered, pulling up Kirishima with his scarf.

“Got it!” Kirishima mustered.

“Sorry, I’m kind of sleepy…” Ashido said hazily as if her abdou was close to hitting the ground but she was lucky land in the arms of an unexpected Yuji Itadori.

Yuji was confused until Ashido looked into the boys eyes with a dreamy look on her face.

But it ended quickly as Aizawa snatched the girl with his scarf as she whined.

“I didn’t think yesterday’s extra lesson… would go until 2 a.m.” Sero groaned.

“And we started at 7 a.m….” Sato added sleepily.

“I told you it’d be tough.” Aizawa sighed as he continued, “Not only do you need to work on your quirks. Above all, you need to work on the weaknesses that were exposed during the final exams! Think carefully about why you’re more tired than your classmates before you move.

“Y-Yes, sir…”

Turning around to see Uraraka and Aoyama, Aizawa said, “Uraraka! Aoyama! You two should, too. You didn’t fail, but you were close. If 30 points was passing, you were at about 35.”

“Ah, we barely made it…” Uraraka jumped.

“How unexpected.” Aoyama sighed from coming out of the bathroom.
"You need to understand what you’re doing, you should always be aware of where you came from. That’s what it means to improve. Always keep in mind why you’re sweating, and why you keep getting nagged.” Aizawa explained.

‘Where I came from…’ Bakugo gritted his teeth as he stared at his reflection in the water.

‘Where I came from…’ Todoroki widened his eyes.

‘Where I came from…!’ Mizuki gasped. Walking over to Aizawa, Midoriya observed, “That reminds me, Aizawa Sensei, it’s already the third day…”

“What did I just say? Don’t just walk over here like that.” Aizawa told her.

“Is All Might… I mean, are the other teachers coming?” Mizuku asked with Yuji hearing this at a distance.

“Like I said before the training camp, in order to keep the villains from finding out where we were, we kept the number of people to the absolute minimum.” Aizawa explained.

'I don't know why...but it's better to have more handa on deck incase of something going down south'

' you think it's better if I take over?'

'...I'll tell you when'

That's all he said to Sukuna as he focused on what the WWP group were saying.

“And especially since we believe All Might is one of the villains’ targets, we can’t have him here. For better or for worse, that’s what happens, since he stands out so much… Hmph.” Aizawa sighed, walking away.

‘Seems like there’s a lot more of the ‘for worse’ part…’ Mizuki thought as she watched Aizawa.
“Alright everyone, tonight… we’ll have a test of courage with the classes pitted against each other! After training hard, you can play hard! The carrot on the stick!” Pixie-Bob announced.
“Oh, I forgot.” Kendo muttered.

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