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Izuku was back with reuniting with Junpei and told him what occurred when he was absent, the boy was happy that Izuku got to spend time with his little sister and meet her friends but both boys knew that some things tend to end quickly and because of that it was time to get down to business, Junpei felt a bit devastated even though his mother was didn't cool down the rage tjatdwell up inside of him when finding out that the friend, who once helped him...was the one who betrayed him and killed his mother, and then used him as a puppet in a scheme that was meant to end in his death was another thing entirely.
However, Izuku was never going to let him go through that alone. Since he was there, with him, all the way through. After a week of reitneing back, Izuku saw that Junpei was ready to embark on the path of vengeance not just against Mahito but against all curse spirits and all evil curse users in the world. A good friend perhaps would have tried to warn him about the dangers of the path of vengeance, but how could Izuku even think that, when he too was on that same path. How could he not encourage him when he too wanted revenge.

Still though, Izuku told him about the kind of death he wanted, and he thought that it helped a lot. As he thought that saying it out loud made them both realize that seeking revenge does not mean missing out on the other good things that life has to offer, such as good friends and family. It just means they have to work extra hard to ensure that they have the power to protect those things.

In any case, this marked the beginning of their training regimen. Mahito seemed to have intentionally trained Junpei to overly rely on his Shikigami.

And that had to be changed, Izuku had to make sure that he knew how to fight hand to hand and with weapons. Who better to teach him than the one who used a katana with precision.

Gojo told the two of them that they only had about 2 months before the Tokyo and Kyoto interschool's tournament, which was when he wanted to present them. He said he had pulled some strings to make sure the timeline was extended so that we can prepare Junpei. Given the amount of time, it made sense for Izuku to lend Ryõba to Junpei....even though the katana itself was being difficult...the reason for that would happen about a few days ago.

A few days ago:

While Izuku was glad to be back, he was also tired as he wanted to rest a bit, but before he could even do that...their was something he had to do first.

The object that was in his hand, that was still beating was Sukuna's heart, Izuku looked at the object as he knew what he had to do.

"Just suck it up and swallow it whole"

"Do you even think my mouth is that big enough to even swallow it to begin with?" Izuku asked the King of Curses.

"Well you got a better way? Besides we get to reunite with someone who will be here permanently"

Sukuna said back with Izuku sighing as he look back at the heart.

"...damn it, it's just like back then...fuck it, let's gets this over with"

As soon as he said, he opened his mouth wide enough and stuffed the heart inside of his mouth, he felt the flesh and blood leaking out of the heart which almost caused him to puke until he swallowed the heart as it entered his body...5 seconds was all it took for his body to scream in pain from the intense heat as the markings that belonged to Hitachi was seen as his body was drenched in sweat.

His mind was hazy as he grabbed his throat, he couldn't hear anything nor was his vision helping him see anything not even Himiko and Ryõba that both glowed as human like figures were seen coming towards the boy.

Inside his mind scape, an aura surrounded him in warmth as what he as seeing was white sandy beach and a clear sea before him with the sky having no clouds with the sun hitting the waters.

Izuku was confused at this until, he turned around had his widened in suprised.
The reason for that was what he was seeing, both Sukuna and Hitachi lounging on beach chairs as they were in swimming trunks and wearing shades with a shot glass in their hands.

"Hey brat"

"Nice to meet you again, Izuku"

Izuku just chuckled as he walked towards the two curse spirits.

After that with Izuku telling Hitachi about the battle he had with a villian to attain the heart back, the curse himself simply laughed wishing he could have seen the look on the villian face.

Izuku finally regained consciousness...while laying on the bed without his shirt on which made him confused but that confusion disappeared when he felt movement underneath the sheets.

His eyes widened when he saw Himiko revealing herself with her hair down and looking at the boy with smirk on her face...but that wasn't the only thing that caused him to turn red as another form of movement decided to reveal themselves, a girl similar in height of Himiko with an hour glass like shape and raven colored hair that reached lower back, lips that were kissable, eyes that had a hint of hazel in them and looked at the boy with a desire to only listen to him.

"Good morning, Master"

When Izuku heard that....his mind was in another place...along with the commentary of both Curse Spirits.


'...I'm actually surprised you're like this,Ryomen'

Izuku could only groan as he tried to get up but both Himiko and the now human female Ryõba wasn't allowing him to get up.

Back to the present, so yeah, because of Ryõba only listening to her one true master, it was a bit difficult but Izuku made the katana a promise...which he might regret later since Sukuna would always laugh about it while Hitachi would reassure Izuku.

Chapter End.
Ok hope you enjoy.

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