Day 3: A Little Sparkle

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When Gabriel said the dress had "a little bit of sparkle", she hadn't been expecting this.

She decided against telling him that.

"It's beautiful," Nathalie told him instead. "Who is it for?"


Her eyebrows rose. "Me? What on earth would I need it for?"

He straightened his necktie. "There's a gala tonight to celebrate the opening of another store.

She nodded, having made most of the preparations herself. "Yes, but I was under the impression that I would be attending in the same manner as always?"

"I decided to give you a break," Gabriel replied. "You've been working so much lately, along with your additional help as -you know- and I thought you'd like to go as a guest instead."

She observed the dress again. It was much flashier than what she was used to wearing with its high neckline, nearly floor-length, dark blue skirt, and glitter. So much glitter.

She hadn't worn a dress in years -other than Mayura's, of course- but that didn't come close to being a gown like this.

"It's a lot more than what I'm used to," she admitted.

"If you're worried about standing out, don't be. If anyone should be concerned, it's Audrey Bourgeois, based on what she's designed for herself."

Nathalie was unable to repress a smile.

"You'll blend right in," he continued.

"Thank you, sir. Are you still planning on attending?"

Displeasure briefly flashed across his face. "Yes, against my better judgment. As much as I hate being in public, I don't have much choice. Alas, it's my store."

Nathalie wasn't surprised with how well the dress fit her. Gabriel was a world-renowned fashion designer, after all.

She wished Duusu could see it, but her energetic kwami would be staying behind, along with her Miraculous. Gabriel had promised that even if he akumatized someone, he wouldn't ask her to be Mayura.

With the brooch safely hidden in a drawer, she glanced in the mirror. The dress did resemble Mayura's, now that she thought about it. But Gabriel was right; it did suit her. She'd also added the blue pendant he'd gifted her. Her hair was in its usual bun, aside from a silver barrette.

Nathalie left her room, tablet in hand. She knocked on Adrien's door, checking her to-do list. "Adrien, it's time to go."

Muffled voices came from inside his room; she assumed from his friends on a phone call. A moment later, he opened the door, a bright smile on his face. His father had given him a maroon suit, similar to the one he usually wore to fashion shows.

The boy practically did a double-take as he saw her. "Whoa, Nathalie, you look amazing! I've never seen you wear anything besides your work clothes."

She gave him a small smile. "Thank you, Adrien. Are you ready to go?"

"I think so. Father's coming too, right?"

She nodded confirmation, glad to see how happy the news made Adrien.

They waited downstairs, Nathalie still glancing at her tablet to make sure everything was in order.

It was quite suddenly taken from her hands. She looked up, meeting Gabriel's eyes. "There's no need for that," he said. "You will be attending the gala as a guest, not as my assistant. I told you before, remember?"

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