Day 40: Bagel/Now What?/Blood Oath

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Author's Note: I wrote two drabbles because I couldn't decide on a prompt.

1st - Bagel/"Now, what?"
2nd - Blood Oath

Bagel/"Now, what?"

It should've been quite simple to toast a bagel.

But with both adults having poorly-hidden feelings for the other, and a somewhat oblivious child observing, even this was a challenge.

They awkwardly tried to keep distance between them as Adrien sat at the counter, eyes moving from one to the other, trying to figure out what was going on.

In her haste, the plate slipped from Nathalie's hand and clattered to the floor. They both kneeled to pick it up.

"Sorry," she apologized hurriedly.

"It's alright."

Adrien's expectant face peeked over the counter. "So . . . now what?"

Gabriel's hand brushed hers as they both reached for the plate. Her cheeks reddened, and she looked to the side like a flustered schoolgirl. He didn't seem to be doing much better.

Adrien came around and picked up the plate himself with an understanding smile.

They stood quickly. Nathalie winced as some of her old dizziness returned. She had almost completely recovered from the peacock Miraculous' effects thanks to Ladybug, but she still felt symptoms from time to time.

Observant as always - and probably tired of acting awkward -, Gabriel took her hand just like he used to.

"I'll handle making the bagels," Adrien suggested. "You two figure things out."

Blood Oath:

A small part of her mind wanted to quit now while there was still hope. While this family still had a chance to come back together. But she'd made a vow, a "blood oath" if you will, and such a vow was not easily broken.

This promise she'd made could save them, could save him from his own despair, or it could doom them all. Not just this family, but the whole world, based on what she'd learned about the wish.

Gabriel had also made a promise, a promise to bring Emilie back. Even if he knew she hadn't wanted him to. And now Nathalie, with her loyalty to him, was in too deep to stop.

Maybe it was her own fault for falling in love with him.

But she wasn't one to break a promise. 

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