Day 45: Without a Heart/Fluttering

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Author's Note: Two separate drabbles today, one for "Without a Heart" and one for "Fluttering".

Without a Heart:

Nathalie's last name may have meant "heartless", but right now, it was Gabriel who had no heart.

Adrien hung his head, eyes downcast at his father's most recent decision. He wouldn't be allowed to go to the event his friends had been planning for months.

"No." It took her a moment to realize the objection had come from her. The two stared at her in surprise, the look in Gabriel's eyes bordering on anger.

"Adrien should be able to go," she continued.

"I'll decide what's best for my son, Nathalie." So he was in one of those moods.

"Your son can decide for himself. He's fourteen, sir, and he's been going to school for less than a year. I need you to reconsider."

He faltered. "I-"

"How would you have felt if you hadn't been allowed to spend time with your friends as a teenager?"

He looked down, exhaling sharply.

Nathalie worried she'd pushed him too far, but he relented. "Fine."

Adrien's face lit up. "Really?"

"I want to see you happy, son." He looked at her. "Nathalie has convinced me. If this will make you happy, I shouldn't stop you."

"Thank you, Father! Thank you, Nathalie!"

When his son was out of the room, Gabriel sighed. "I have a heart, Nathalie."

"I know. Forgive me for speaking out of turn. I know you just want to keep him safe."

"But what's more important? His safety or his happiness?"

"Perhaps both are possible, Gabriel."


Nathalie's heart was fluttering, fluttering like the wings of an Akuma. She tried in vain to calm it.

Maybe it hadn't been the best idea to get ice cream from André's. Particularly with Adrien.

She'd gone just to please him and all was fine until he had begged her to get her own ice cream.

Now she was faced with this vanilla, caramel, and red velvet combination that looked all too familiar.

Adrien grinned when he saw it.

"Don't say anything," she told him as they moved away from André's stand.

"I won't!" he promised, happily enjoying his own ice cream that reminded Nathalie of a certain girl with dark hair and a tendency to trip.

If only Gabriel hadn't been so fond of that red and white striped scarf and cream-colored suits, then maybe she wouldn't have to be so worried. 

It's the Little Things That Count - Gabenath DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now