Day 5: Bickering Like an Old Married Couple

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With Adrien officially moved out, the house felt empty.

He was now living with his newly-announced fiancée, Marinette, He'd left on good terms with his father and Nathalie, but he'd taken something with him. Something not easily replaced.

It seemed only yesterday when he would return from a fencing lesson and smile at her on the way inside. When he'd ask her a question about a homework assignment. When he'd revealed he was Cat Noir.

That last part had been years ago at this point, yet it still haunted her.

But things were different now. After much deliberation, Gabriel had surrendered all of the Miraculous to the heroes. He'd become a better father. And she'd done her best to fill the role of Adrien's mother.

The boy had forgiven them for their crimes -it had taken him longer to forgive Gabriel than her- but he'd welcomed the return of parental figures in his life.

Nathalie entered the office, shaking away her reminiscent thoughts. Gabriel looked up and smiled as she came in. Among the changes, the two had grown closer -though as friends and nothing more. Gone were the days of "boss and assistant" and the constant tension of putting on a business-like facade when they were so far beyond that.

"Nathalie, how would you feel about going for a walk? It's too quiet here now." His voice faltered.

She smiled sadly. "Of course."

"Wonderful." He stood quickly, eager to leave the space that felt confining to both of them.

It was peaceful outside, the warm summer breeze accompanied by bird song. It was early evening, the sky a gray-blue as the sun prepared to set.

In the last few years, Gabriel had spent more time in public, so other than the occasional double-take, the two didn't attract much unwanted attention.

She could only imagine the attention they'd receive if people knew who Hawk Moth and Mayura really were.

"I've been wondering about something," Gabriel said suddenly after they'd found a park bench to sit on. "What's keeping you here, with me? For all these years, I've been the one stopping you from living your life."

"Not anymore."

"Yes, but-"

"Gabriel, I've had plenty of opportunities to leave if I wished. And while you and I weren't on the best of terms for some time, I never wanted to leave. Both you and Adrien needed someone to help you through everything."

"And what about now?"

"You're my closest friend." She paused, raising an eyebrow at him. "Unless, of course, you want me to leave?"

"No, of course not," he said hurriedly. "I was only curious."

"Despite everything, I like my life. And Adrien may not be in it much anymore, but I still have you." Some of the feelings she'd spent years trying to hide crept into her tone.

Their eyes met. His face held an emotion she'd seen before, one that had always been restrained.

Now, that unhidden emotion was in his eyes and her breath caught.



"Why have I been so blind?"

Her silence prompted him to continue.

"You've been by my side since the beginning and I've been too much of an idiot to see it." He looked down. "No, I did see it. But I didn't do anything."

Her heart fluttered as he met her gaze again. "You . . ."

"I think . . ." he lifted a hand to her cheek, his touch almost afraid, "that I love you."

She covered his hand with hers. "Why do you look like you're afraid I'll reject you?"

"Gabriel, listen to me. You must know by now that I feel the same. I've been wanting to tell you for years."

With sorrow-filled eyes, he pulled her against him, arms wrapping around her. "I'm sorry I waited so long, Nathalie."

"Adrien certainly thinks you didn't."


"After he saw a few of our disagreements, he used to say we 'bicker like an old married couple'."

"I suppose we did," he replied with a small laugh.

"We are getting older."

"At least you don't look like it." Drawing back to look at her, he smiled. "But maybe we can work on making the second part of that statement true."

"You're saying . . ."

"Yes, if you'll have me."

"Of course I will."

He'd leaned closer, pressing a gentle kiss to her lips when a familiar voice remarked, "Fancy seeing you two here." With a Cat Noir-esque stance, Adrien stood in front of them, a bright smile on his face. Marinette stood a bit behind him, mirroring his expression. "Care to fill me in?"

It's the Little Things That Count - Gabenath DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now